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[英]MAP interface using mobicents

嗨,我正在尝试使用jSS7构建MAP接口来发送像这样的消息: https : //code.google.com/p/jss7/source/browse/map/load/src/main/java/org/mobicents /protocols/ss7/map/load/Server.java,但是我没有找到任何文档或演示来了解如何从USSD更改为SMS

To tell the truth, I'm a bit unclear of what you would like to do. 说实话,我不清楚您想做什么。

USSDs and SMSes are really two different things, although there are similarities. 尽管存在相似之处,USSD和SMS确实是两个不同的东西。

USSDs are intended for bidirectional communication between the user and network applications. USSD用于用户和网络应用程序之间的双向通信。

The VLR will invoke (on behalf of the user) processUnstructuredSS-Request while the gsmSCF would invoke either unstructuredSS-Request or unstructuredSS-Notify : VLR将(代表用户)调用processUnstructuredSS-Request而gsmSCF将调用unstructuredSS-RequestunstructuredSS-Notify

  • processUnstructuredSS-Request : Allows the user to send a request, getting back (optionally) a response) processUnstructuredSS-Request :允许用户发送请求,并返回(可选)响应)
  • unstructuredSS-Request : Allows the application to present a prompt to the user, getting back a (optionally) response. unstructuredSS-Request :允许应用程序向用户显示提示,以获取(可选)响应。
  • unstructuredSS-Notify : Allows the application to present a message to the user, without response. unstructuredSS-Notify :允许应用程序向用户呈现消息,而无需响应。

The key parameters in the different invoke and return result components are the 不同的invoke和return结果组件中的关键参数是

USSD-DataCodingScheme ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1))
-- The structure of the USSD-DataCodingScheme is defined by
-- the Cell Broadcast Data Coding Scheme as described in
-- TS 3GPP TS 23.038 [25]
USSD-String ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..maxUSSD-StringLength))
-- The structure of the contents of the USSD-String is dependent
-- on the USSD-DataCodingScheme as described in TS 3GPP TS 23.038 [25].

More details in 3GPP TS 23.038 3GPP TS 23.038中的更多详细信息

Now, considering the SMS. 现在,考虑短信。 In general two MAP operations are involved in the handling of SMS: - MO-ForwardSM (sent to the VMSC) - MT-ForwardSM (sent to the GMSC) 通常,SMS的处理涉及两个MAP操作:-MO-ForwardSM(发送给VMSC)-MT-ForwardSM(发送给GMSC)

In both cases the key parameters are: - sm-RP-DA (the destination) - sm-RP-OA (the origin) - sm-RP-UI (the info) 在这两种情况下,关键参数都是:-sm-RP-DA(目的地)-sm-RP-OA(来源)-sm-RP-UI(信息)

The sm-RP-UI of type SignalInfo carries an SM-TL PDU (Short Message Transport Layer) These are defined at 3GPP TS 23.040 SignalInfo类型的sm-RP-UI承载SM-TL PDU(短消息传输层),它们在3GPP TS 23.040中定义

So, where's the connection? 那么,连接在哪里?

The connection is that TP-Data-Encoding-Schema one of the components of a SM-TL PDU is the same as the USSD-DataCodingScheme in the USSD. 连接是SM-TL PDU的组件之一TP-Data-Encoding-Schema与USSD中的USSD-DataCodingScheme相同。

And that defines how both the TP-User-Data and the USSD-String are to be encoded. 这定义了TP-User-Data和USSD-String都将如何编码。

Now you should really descend into all the gory details on the implementation and use of the USSD service and the SMS service to see how those are used in different scenarios. 现在,您应该真正深入了解有关USSD服务和SMS服务的实现和使用的所有细节,以了解在不同情况下如何使用这些细节。

Unfortunately there is no clear manul of how to implement different MAP messages because of there big count. 不幸的是,由于数量众多,因此没有明确的方法来实现不同的MAP消息。 Use MAP protocol specification (3GPP TS 29.002) to learn more. 使用MAP协议规范(3GPP TS 29.002)了解更多信息。

You can check also opensource mobicent SMSC GW source code: https://code.google.com/p/smscgateway/ 您还可以查看开源的移动SMSC GW源代码: https : //code.google.com/p/smscgateway/

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