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无法完成Drupal ubercart免费订购

[英]Not able to complete Drupal ubercart free order

last week we face a problem with ubercart free order. 上周,我们面临ubercart免费订购的问题。 When we will try to submit order with free (using coupon) order. 当我们尝试使用免费(使用优惠券)订单提交订单时。 its redirect to checkout page from order review page. 从订单查看页面重定向到结帐页面。 order with amount is working fine. 定额的订单工作正常。 I also try order with 0 amount, face same issue. 我也尝试以0金额订购,面临同样的问题。

we also test same code and database in local and stage server. 我们还在本地和舞台服务器中测试相同的代码和数据库。 its working fine. 它的工作正常。

There is no error logs or apache logs that help me. 没有错误日志或apache日志对我有帮助。 i already check it. 我已经检查过了。

I have found there is a broken image which is oppose to submit order using ajax. 我发现有一个损坏的图像,反对使用ajax提交订单。

if you guys face this type of issue please check your js error from console. 如果你们遇到这种类型的问题,请从控制台检查您的js错误。 and try to resolved them.Its work for me. 并尝试解决它们。它对我有用。

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