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[英]Grocery CRUD: Adding an explanatory note to a field

When clicking add or edit in a Grocery Crud grid, I need to explain what the purpose of a certain field is to assist the user in completing the form by putting some custom text next to the field called "Active" that is a select box, so that it looks like this: 在Grocery Crud网格中单击“添加”或“编辑”时,我需要解释某个字段的目的是通过在名为“活动”的字段(即选择框)旁边放置一些自定义文本来帮助用户完成表单,这样看起来像这样:

Active? [Select active] Note: select Yes to ensure that your event is activated.

How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

Unfortunately, I was forced to do a bit of a hack, as the client urgently needed this done. 不幸的是,由于客户端急需完成此操作,因此我不得不采取一些措施。 I have done it by using jQuery to append a string to the select box on document.ready() . 我通过使用jQuery将一个字符串附加到document.ready()的选择框中来完成此操作。 If there is a better way, I will gladly adapt, and accept that answer instead, but for now, the above solution works. 如果有更好的方法,我会很乐意适应并接受该答案,但是目前,上述解决方案有效。

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