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[英]Skipping function keyword throws syntax error

This example doesn't work: 这个例子不起作用:

var App = React.createClass({
  render() { 
    return (
    Hello World  </div>

I compile jsx into js on the client side and the browser throws the error, 我将jsx编译为客户端的js,浏览器抛出错误,

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token (

This example works: 此示例有效:

    var App = React.createClass({
      render: function() {    
    return (
    Hello World  </div>
   }       })

So, how does react-router tutorial work without function keyword? 那么,无功能关键字的React-router教程如何工作?

So, how does react-router tutorial work without function keyword? 那么,无功能关键字的React-router教程如何工作?

This is a relatively new thing, being added as part of ES6 (ECMAScript 6, the next version of "JavaScript.") You can create methods like that , basically, this code in ES6: 这是一个相对较新的事物,已作为ES6(ECMAScript 6,下一个“ JavaScript”版本)的一部分添加。您可以在ES6中创建如下代码,基本上是这样的方法

var obj = {
    foo() {

is equivalent to this code in ES5 and before: 等效于ES5和更低版本中的以下代码:

var obj = {
    foo: function foo() {

(Modulo browser bugs around named function expressions, but no one uses IE8 or Safari 5 anymore, right? Right?) (模块化浏览器在命名函数表达式周围存在错误,但现在没人再使用IE8或Safari 5,对吗?)

The new syntax works on recent versions of Firefox and Chrome. 新语法适用于最新版本的Firefox和Chrome。

That said, I suspect it's just a minor error in that tutorial, as they only do it in a couple of places and use the older syntax in most places. 就是说,我怀疑这只是该教程中的一个小错误,因为他们只在几个地方这样做并且在大多数地方都使用较旧的语法。

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