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[英]Reload javascript only, on resize

I am using a complex menu system that switches between 'mobile' and 'desktop' menus at 588 px. 我正在使用一个复杂的菜单系统,该系统在588像素的“移动”和“桌面”菜单之间切换。 The mobile system came from codrops, but the desktop system was designed separately. 移动系统来自codrops,但桌面系统是单独设计的。 I can modify the codrops, but don't totally understand it. 我可以修改这些codrop,但并不完全了解。 I found several answers on different sites for reloading javascript, but cannot figure out how to reload it with my code. 我在不同的站点上找到了几个用于重新加载javascript的答案,但无法弄清楚如何用我的代码重新加载它。 When resizing across the 'border' of 588 pixels, I need the javascript to reload or there are problems with the menus. 在588像素的“边框”上调整大小时,我需要重新加载javascript或菜单出现问题。 From desktop to mobile, the functionality of mobile menus doesn't work. 从台式机到移动设备,移动菜单的功能均不起作用。 From mobile to desktop, get some extra space between the main menu and sub menus. 从移动设备到台式机,在主菜单和子菜单之间留出一些额外的空间。 (They resolve if I reload the page, but I don't want to do that.) I am attaching my codrops code (jquery.dlmenu.js) and the code in my pages to call it. (如果我重新加载页面,他们会解决,但我不想这样做。)我在我的codrops代码(jquery.dlmenu.js)和页面中的代码上附加了该代码。 Can anyone help with making the javascript reload on resize (or at least when the screen size crosses the 587/588 delineation? This can be seen on this page: http://www.kline.com/Container-Yards/Oakland-CY-Locations-New.asp . My programmers are all waterlogged right now and are unable to help at this time. Any help would be appreciated. 任何人都可以通过调整大小来重新加载javascript(或至少在屏幕尺寸超过587/588轮廓时进行帮助吗?),可以在此页面上看到: http ://www.kline.com/Container-Yards/Oakland-CY -Locations-New.asp 。我的程序员现在都陷入了水灾 ,目前无法提供帮助,我们将不胜感激。

 <!-- Page Code at end of pages before Copyright include --> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="http://www.kline.com/js/jquery.dlmenu.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $( '#dl-menu' ).dlmenu({ animationClasses : { classin : 'dl-animate-in-2', classout : 'dl-animate-out-2' } }); }); </script> <!-- jquery.dlmenu.js code --> /** * jquery.dlmenu.js v1.0.1 * http://www.codrops.com * * Licensed under the MIT license. * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * * Copyright 2013, Codrops * http://www.codrops.com */ if ( $(window).width() < 558) { /* Debug window width (viewport width) = 574 */ ;( function( $, window, undefined ) { 'use strict'; // global var Modernizr = window.Modernizr, $body = $( 'body' ); $.DLMenu = function( options, element ) { this.$el = $( element ); this._init( options ); }; // the options $.DLMenu.defaults = { // classes for the animation effects animationClasses : { classin : 'dl-animate-in-1', classout : 'dl-animate-out-1' }, // callback: click a link that has a sub menu // el is the link element (li); name is the level name onLevelClick : function( el, name ) { return false; }, // callback: click a link that does not have a sub menu // el is the link element (li); ev is the event obj onLinkClick : function( el, ev ) { return false; } }; $.DLMenu.prototype = { _init : function( options ) { // options this.options = $.extend( true, {}, $.DLMenu.defaults, options ); // cache some elements and initialize some variables this._config(); var animEndEventNames = { 'WebkitAnimation' : 'webkitAnimationEnd', 'OAnimation' : 'oAnimationEnd', 'msAnimation' : 'MSAnimationEnd', 'animation' : 'animationend' }, transEndEventNames = { 'WebkitTransition' : 'webkitTransitionEnd', 'MozTransition' : 'transitionend', 'OTransition' : 'oTransitionEnd', 'msTransition' : 'MSTransitionEnd', 'transition' : 'transitionend' }; // animation end event name this.animEndEventName = animEndEventNames[ Modernizr.prefixed( 'animation' ) ] + '.dlmenu'; // transition end event name this.transEndEventName = transEndEventNames[ Modernizr.prefixed( 'transition' ) ] + '.dlmenu', // support for css animations and css transitions this.supportAnimations = Modernizr.cssanimations, this.supportTransitions = Modernizr.csstransitions; this._initEvents(); }, _config : function() { this.open = false; this.$trigger = this.$el.children( '.dl-trigger' ); this.$menu = this.$el.children( 'ul.dl-menu' ); this.$menuitems = this.$menu.find( 'li:not(.dl-back)' ); this.$el.find( 'ul.dl-submenu' ).prepend( '<li class="dl-back"><a href="#">back</a></li>' ); this.$back = this.$menu.find( 'li.dl-back' ); }, _initEvents : function() { var self = this; this.$trigger.on( 'click.dlmenu', function() { if( self.open ) { self._closeMenu(); } else { self._openMenu(); } return false; } ); this.$menuitems.on( 'click.dlmenu', function( event ) { event.stopPropagation(); var $item = $(this), $submenu = $item.children( 'ul.dl-submenu' ); if( $submenu.length > 0 ) { var $flyin = $submenu.clone().css( 'opacity', 0 ).insertAfter( self.$menu ), onAnimationEndFn = function() { self.$menu.off( self.animEndEventName ).removeClass( self.options.animationClasses.classout ).addClass( 'dl-subview' ); $item.addClass( 'dl-subviewopen' ).parents( '.dl-subviewopen:first' ).removeClass( 'dl-subviewopen' ).addClass( 'dl-subview' ); $flyin.remove(); }; setTimeout( function() { $flyin.addClass( self.options.animationClasses.classin ); self.$menu.addClass( self.options.animationClasses.classout ); if( self.supportAnimations ) { self.$menu.on( self.animEndEventName, onAnimationEndFn ); } else { onAnimationEndFn.call(); } self.options.onLevelClick( $item, $item.children( 'a:first' ).text() ); } ); return false; } else { self.options.onLinkClick( $item, event ); } } ); this.$back.on( 'click.dlmenu', function( event ) { var $this = $( this ), $submenu = $this.parents( 'ul.dl-submenu:first' ), $item = $submenu.parent(), $flyin = $submenu.clone().insertAfter( self.$menu ); var onAnimationEndFn = function() { self.$menu.off( self.animEndEventName ).removeClass( self.options.animationClasses.classin ); $flyin.remove(); }; setTimeout( function() { $flyin.addClass( self.options.animationClasses.classout ); self.$menu.addClass( self.options.animationClasses.classin ); if( self.supportAnimations ) { self.$menu.on( self.animEndEventName, onAnimationEndFn ); } else { onAnimationEndFn.call(); } $item.removeClass( 'dl-subviewopen' ); var $subview = $this.parents( '.dl-subview:first' ); if( $subview.is( 'li' ) ) { $subview.addClass( 'dl-subviewopen' ); } $subview.removeClass( 'dl-subview' ); } ); return false; } ); }, closeMenu : function() { if( this.open ) { this._closeMenu(); } }, _closeMenu : function() { var self = this, onTransitionEndFn = function() { self.$menu.off( self.transEndEventName ); self._resetMenu(); }; this.$menu.removeClass( 'dl-menuopen' ); this.$menu.addClass( 'dl-menu-toggle' ); this.$trigger.removeClass( 'dl-active' ); if( this.supportTransitions ) { this.$menu.on( this.transEndEventName, onTransitionEndFn ); } else { onTransitionEndFn.call(); } this.open = false; }, openMenu : function() { if( !this.open ) { this._openMenu(); } }, _openMenu : function() { var self = this; // clicking somewhere else makes the menu close $body.off( 'click' ).on( 'click.dlmenu', function() { self._closeMenu() ; } ); this.$menu.addClass( 'dl-menuopen dl-menu-toggle' ).on( this.transEndEventName, function() { $( this ).removeClass( 'dl-menu-toggle' ); } ); this.$trigger.addClass( 'dl-active' ); this.open = true; }, // resets the menu to its original state (first level of options) _resetMenu : function() { this.$menu.removeClass( 'dl-subview' ); this.$menuitems.removeClass( 'dl-subview dl-subviewopen' ); } }; var logError = function( message ) { if ( window.console ) { window.console.error( message ); } }; $.fn.dlmenu = function( options ) { if ( typeof options === 'string' ) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ); this.each(function() { var instance = $.data( this, 'dlmenu' ); if ( !instance ) { logError( "cannot call methods on dlmenu prior to initialization; " + "attempted to call method '" + options + "'" ); return; } if ( !$.isFunction( instance[options] ) || options.charAt(0) === "_" ) { logError( "no such method '" + options + "' for dlmenu instance" ); return; } instance[ options ].apply( instance, args ); }); } else { this.each(function() { var instance = $.data( this, 'dlmenu' ); if ( instance ) { instance._init(); } else { instance = $.data( this, 'dlmenu', new $.DLMenu( options, this ) ); } }); } return this; }; } )( jQuery, window ); } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 

Try using $(window).resize() event handler: http://api.jquery.com/resize/ 尝试使用$(window).resize()事件处理程序: http : //api.jquery.com/resize/

$(window).resize(function() {

 //Add the javascript reload code here


You can use jQuery.getScript() to reload the javascript https://api.jquery.com/jquery.getscript/ 您可以使用jQuery.getScript()重新加载javascript https://api.jquery.com/jquery.getscript/

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