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在JAVA FX中使用事件处理程序

[英]Using event handler in JAVA FX

In our class we we're given an assignment, we are supposed to create a pizza GUI using check boxes for toppings and radio buttons for pizza size and type. 在我们的课程中,我们得到了一个作业,我们应该创建一个比萨饼GUI,使用顶部的复选框和用于比萨饼大小和类型的单选按钮。

We'll I've already created the basic foundation for my GUI and I've even implemented the logic, but I've run into a small issue. 我们已经为GUI创建了基础,甚至实现了逻辑,但遇到了一个小问题。

In my program I want the user to select their toppings, pizza size and pizza type. 在我的程序中,我希望用户选择其浇头,比萨饼大小和比萨饼类型。 After the user has completed said task I want them to click process selection and the information along with sales prices will be added into a new text area. 用户完成上述任务后,我希望他们单击​​过程选择,然后将信息以及销售价格添加到新的文本区域中。

Unfortunately, even when calling the string (where I hold everything) in the new textarea I still receive a blank space. 不幸的是,即使在新的textarea中调用字符串(我存放所有内容的字符串)时,我仍然收到空白。

Thus, I am left to believe my I have not properly called for an action in the handler. 因此,我相信我没有适当地要求处理程序中的操作。 I am also receiving a warning "event parameter not used" 我也收到警告“未使用事件参数”

I've cut out a snipet of my code below, as you can see I am attempting to store all the data in ordertext and then call it in my new text area orderscreen. 我在下面剪切了我的代码的一部分,如您所见,我试图将所有数据存储在ordertext中,然后在新的文本区域orderscreen中调用它。 I'm hoping someone can spot the mistake I've made, or give me some insight as to what I'm overlooking. 我希望有人能发现我犯的错误,或者让我对我所忽略的东西有所了解。 Thank You 谢谢

    TextArea orderscreen = new TextArea();
    grid.add(orderscreen, 0, 4);

          btn.setOnAction((ActionEvent event) -> {
              String mytoppings = "";
              double mytopcost = 0.0;

              if (chkTom.isSelected()) {
                  mytoppings = mytoppings + "Tomato "; // Topping
                  mytopcost += 1.50; // price

              if (chkGP.isSelected()) {
                  mytoppings = mytoppings + "Green Peppers "; // Topping
                  mytopcost += 1.50; // pice

              if (chkBO.isSelected()) {
                  mytoppings = mytoppings + "Black Olives "; // Topping
                  mytopcost += 1.50; // pice

              if (chkMR.isSelected()) {
                  mytoppings = mytoppings + "MushRooms "; // Topping
                  mytopcost += 1.50; // pice

              if (chkEC.isSelected()) {
                  mytoppings = mytoppings + "Extra Cheese "; // Topping
                  mytopcost += 1.50; // pice

              if (chkPep.isSelected()) {
                  mytoppings = mytoppings + "Peppeoni "; // Topping
                  mytopcost += 1.50; // pice

              if (chkSS.isSelected()) {
                  mytoppings = mytoppings + "Sausage "; // Topping
                  mytopcost += 1.50; // pice

              else {
                  mytoppings = mytoppings + "No toppings selected ";

              //Pizza Types

              String mypizzatype = "";
              // rbTC.setOnAction(e -> {
              if (rbTC.isSelected()) {
                  mypizzatype = mypizzatype + "Thin Crust "; // Type
              // });

              //rbMC.setOnAction(e -> {
              if (rbMC.isSelected()) {
                  mypizzatype = mypizzatype + "Medium Crust "; // Type
              // });

              if (rbP.isSelected()) {
                  mypizzatype = mypizzatype + "Pan "; // Type

              // PIZZA SIZES
              String mypizzasize = "";
              Double smpzcost = 6.50;
              Double mdpzcost = 8.50;
              Double lgpzcost = 10.00;

              if (rbSM.isSelected()) {
                  mypizzatype = mypizzasize + "Small "; // Type
                  order = smpzcost;

              if (rbMD.isSelected()) {
                  mypizzatype = mypizzasize + "Medium "; // Type
                  order = mdpzcost;

              if (rbLG.isSelected()) {
                  mypizzatype = mypizzasize + "Large "; // Type
                  order = lgpzcost;

              ordertext =  ("Your Order: "
                      + "\nPizza type: " + mypizzatype
                      + "\nPizza Size: " + mypizzasize
                      + "\nToppings: " + mytoppings
                      + "\nAmount Due: " + (order + mytopcost));
              System.out.println("Order Processed");
              //orderscreen.clear(); // WILL CLEAR

I just fixed the problem 我只是解决了问题


needed to replace 需要更换

ordertext =  ("Your Order: "
     + "\nPizza type: " + mypizzatype
     + "\nPizza Size: " + mypizzasize
     + "\nToppings: " + mytoppings
     + "\nAmount Due: " + (order + mytopcost));

I also needed to change 我也需要改变

mypizzatype = mypizzasize to mypizzasize= mypizzasize mypizzatype = mypizzasizemypizzasize= mypizzasize

No need for event handlers. 无需事件处理程序。 in javafx you can use bindings. 在javafx中,您可以使用绑定。

I created simple demo that shows how to bind gui controls( RadioButtons , ChoiceBox ) to property in model class and bind it to TextArea : 我创建了一个简单的演示,演示了如何将gui控件( RadioButtonsChoiceBox )绑定到模型类中的属性并将其绑定到TextArea

package demo;

import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.beans.binding.StringBinding;
import javafx.beans.property.BooleanProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyObjectProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleStringProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.StringProperty;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.ChoiceBox;
import javafx.scene.control.RadioButton;
import javafx.scene.control.TextArea;
import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
import javafx.stage.Stage;

class User {
    private StringProperty order = new SimpleStringProperty();

    public String getOrder() {
        return order.get();

    public void setOrder(String order) {

    public StringProperty orderProperty() {
        return order;

public class Demo extends Application {

    private User user = new User();

    public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {

        RadioButton tomatoButton = new RadioButton("Tomato");
        RadioButton pepperButton = new RadioButton("Pepper");
        RadioButton mushroomButton = new RadioButton("Mushrooms");

        ChoiceBox<String> pizzaType = new ChoiceBox<String>();
        pizzaType.getItems().addAll("", "Small", "Medium", "Large");

        HBox topHBox = new HBox(15.0, tomatoButton, pepperButton, mushroomButton, pizzaType);

        // create custom Binding that binds selection of radio buttons and choice box
        StringBinding orderBinding = createOrderBinding(tomatoButton.selectedProperty(), pepperButton.selectedProperty(), mushroomButton.selectedProperty(), pizzaType.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty());
        // bind orderBinding to orderProperty of User

        TextArea orderArea = new TextArea();
        // bind orderProperty of User to textProperty of TextArea

        BorderPane root = new BorderPane();

        Scene scene = new Scene(root, 400, 300);

     * Creates StringBinding between 4 provided arguments. Binding means that when value of one bound property is changed the whole binding is recomputed in computeValue method.
     * The value of computeValue is bound to User.orderProperty 
    public StringBinding createOrderBinding(BooleanProperty tomato, BooleanProperty pepper, BooleanProperty mushroom, ReadOnlyObjectProperty<String> selectedPizzaType) {
        StringBinding binding = new StringBinding() {
                // bind 4 provided properties.
                super.bind(tomato, pepper, mushroom, selectedPizzaType);

             * Fires each time bound property is modified. 
            protected String computeValue() {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Pizza content:\n");

                if (tomato.get())
                if (pepper.get())
                if (mushroom.get())

                sb.append("Pizza type:\n").append("\t" + selectedPizzaType.get());
                return sb.toString();
        return binding;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

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