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[英]How do I gracefully interrupt loading of a certain URL in Cordova's InAppBrowser and open it in the system browser?

I am using Cordova's inappbrowser plugin to display web parts in my app. 我正在使用Cordova的inappbrowser插件在我的应用程序中显示Web部件。 On the website, there are sharing links, eg for WhatsApp: 在网站上,有共享链接,例如WhatsApp:

<a href="whatsapp://send?text=Check this out">Share on WhatsApp</a>

Now when clicking these links in inappbrowser, it simply tries to load whatsapp://send?... as a URL and displays an error page. 现在,当在inappbrowser中单击这些链接时,它只是尝试加载whatsapp://send?...作为URL并显示错误页面。

What I want to do instead is open links that start with whatsapp:// using the given system's browser/URI handler so it resembles the behavior when clicking such link in the system's browser. 我想要做的是使用给定系统的浏览器/ URI处理程序以whatsapp://开头的开放链接,因此它类似于在系统浏览器中单击此类链接时的行为。 To do that, I did the following: 为此,我做了以下事情:

urlChanged = function(event) {
    // when a "whatsapp://" link is clicked, open it in the system browser
    if(event.url.startsWith("whatsapp://")) {
        window.open(event.url, "_system");
// Add an "loadstart" event listener to the inappbrowser:    
browser.addEventListener("loadstart", urlChanged);

So far, this somewhat works, but with quirks: 到目前为止,这有点奏效,但有些怪癖:

  1. While the event immediately fires when the user clicks a WhatsApp link (checked that by firing an alert), it takes like two or three seconds for the system browser to actually open. 当用户单击WhatsApp链接(通过触发警报进行检查)时,事件立即触发,系统浏览器实际打开需要两到三秒钟。
  2. While waiting these 2-3 seconds and when returning to the app, the user sees an inappbrowser error page that the whatsapp:// link could not be opened ("unknown url scheme"). 在等待这2-3秒并返回应用程序时,用户会看到一个inappbrowser错误页面,无法打开whatsapp://链接(“未知网址方案”)。

To mitigate point 2, I also tried the following in the event listener, without success (the behavior is exactly the same): 为了缓解第2点,我还在事件监听器中尝试了以下操作,但没有成功(行为完全相同):

urlChanged = function(event) {
    if(event.url.startsWith("whatsapp://")) {
        // stop loading the whatsapp:// link in inappbrowser
        // go back in history to display page where whatsapp:// link was on
        window.open(event.url, "_system");
browser.addEventListener("loadstart", urlChanged);

Can you guide me how to solve points 1 and 2? 你能指导我如何解决第1点和第2点吗?

So I ended up with the following code: 所以我最终得到了以下代码:

openWithSystemBrowser = function(url) {
    window.open(url, "_system");
    location.href = "index.html";

shareOnWhatsapp = function(url) {

 * Handles URL changes in in-app browser, e.g. to handle logouts or
 * unsuccessful logins
urlChanged = function(event) {
    if(event.url.startsWith("http://whatsapp://")) {
    if(event.url.startsWith("whatsapp://")) {

This is of course slightly lame as you're always brought back to index.html, but for my purposes it was enough. 这当然有点蹩脚,因为你总是带回index.html,但就我的目的而言,这已经足够了。 Interested to see if anyone's found a more elegant solution. 有兴趣看看是否有人找到了更优雅的解决方案。

It also solved the 2-3 second delay before opening the system browser, but I don't have any clue why, frankly. 它还在打开系统浏览器之前解决了2-3秒的延迟,但坦率地说,我没有任何线索。

I found an approach with a better user experience: When loading an external URL in the system browser, I close the InAppBrowser and reopen it with the last internal URL. 我发现了一种具有更好用户体验的方法:在系统浏览器中加载外部URL时,我关闭InAppBrowser并使用最后一个内部URL重新打开它。

var appUrl = 'https://www.my-website.com';

var app = {

    currentUrl: appUrl,

    initialize: function() {
        document.addEventListener('deviceready', this.onDeviceReady.bind(this), false);

    onDeviceReady: function() {

    openBrowser: function() {
        var target = '_blank';
        var options = [

        browser = cordova.InAppBrowser.open(app.currentUrl, target, options.join());

        // reopen the browser if it was closed via "Done" button
        browser.addEventListener('exit', function(){ app.openBrowser(); } );

        // open external urls in system browser window
        browser.addEventListener('loadstart', function(event){ app.handleUrl(event.url, browser); });

    handleUrl: function(url, browser) {
        var extension = url.split('.').pop();

        // load internal urls that are not pdf files in the app browser
        if (extension != 'pdf' && url.startsWith(appUrl)) {
            app.currentUrl = url;

        // open website in system browser window
        var ref = cordova.InAppBrowser.open(url, '_system', 'location=no');

        // since the inapp browser is loading the website too, close it and open it again with the last internal url visited



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