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如何取消绑定PanResponder <View>

[英]How to unbind PanResponder for <View>

How can I unbind PanResponder on a View. 如何在视图上解除绑定PanResponder。 Also, how do I unmount a View altogether? 另外,如何完全卸载视图?

I tried to remove it by setting it to null but that would break in case of further renders. 我试图通过将其设置为null来删除它,但是在进一步渲染的情况下会中断。

handlePanResponderEnd: function(evt: Object, gestureState: Object){
  if (Math.abs(this.translate) > width/4){
    var setoff = -(2 * width);
    var that = this;
    this.nextItem = <View style={styles.container} ><Story data={this.data[that.state.currentItem + 2]} /></View>;
    this.setState({ left: setoff, currentItem: this.state.currentItem + 1 });
    // this.setPanResponder();          
  } else {
    this.setState({ left: this.translate });    

Have you tried using conditional rendering? 您是否尝试过使用条件渲染? You can wrap or not your component with Animated.View depending on a value you check. 您可以使用Animated.View包裹组件,也可以不包裹,这取决于您检查的值。 Something like this: 像这样:

{renderAnimated ?
: {this.renderMyContent()}

Or you can set your PanResponder const to a PanResponder.create() or null depending 或者,您可以将PanResponder常量设置为PanResponder.create()或null,具体取决于

const panResponder = shouldPanResponder ? PanResponder.create({...}) : null

Hope it helps. 希望能帮助到你。

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