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[英]NodeJS, websocket, and module.export

I have a server.js file. 我有一个server.js文件。

Inside, i defined my routes. 在里面,我定义了我的路线。

// routes
var mainRoutes   = require('./routes/main.js')(app, express);
var apiRoutes    = require('./routes/api.js')(app, express);
var socketRoutes = require('./routes/socket.js');

app.use('/', mainRoutes);
app.use('/api', apiRoutes);

// socket.io communication
io.sockets.on('connection', socketRoutes);

My socket.js file looks like that : 我的socket.js文件如下所示:

module.exports = function (socket) {

    console.log('user connected');

    socket.on('myEvent', function(data) {
        // whatever ...

Inside this function, i can catch events and send some. 在此功能内,我可以捕获事件并发送一些事件。 BUT i need to send a message to everyone at some point. 但是我需要在某个时候向所有人发送消息。 Let say when i receive an 'myEvent' event. 假设我收到“ myEvent”事件。

So basically, i would like to do : 所以基本上,我想做:

io.sockets.emit('messageForEveryone', "This is a test");

But here, i can only work on the 'socket' argument, which is for 1 person only i guess. 但是在这里,我只能处理'socket'参数,我猜这仅适用于1个人。

I would like to pass io from server.js, to socket.js. 我想将io从server.js传递到socket.js。

I tried that (in server.js) : 我尝试了(在server.js中):

var socketRoutes = require('./routes/socket.js', io);

And that (in socket.js) : 那(在socket.js中):

module.exports = function (io, socket)

Obviously, it's not working. 显然,它不起作用。 I don't even understand where the socket argument is coming from. 我什至不知道套接字参数从何而来。

Question : How can i work on io object, when i'm inside the module.export of the sockets.js file ? 问题:当我在sockets.js文件的module.export中时,如何处理io对象?

I would really appreciate any help, i'm new to all of this. 我真的很感谢您的帮助,我是这一切的新手。

Thanks ! 谢谢 !

Since you just want to emit to all clients, instead of passing io to socketRoutes , you can simply do this. 由于您只想向所有客户端发出消息,而不是将io传递给socketRoutes ,因此只需执行此操作。

module.exports = function (socket) {
    var sockets = this;
    console.log('user connected');

    socket.on('myEvent', function(data) {

You could return a function from exports as such. 您可以这样从导出返回函数。

module.exports = function (io) { // pass io to initialize
      return function (socket) {
         // io and socket are both scoped

then in server.js 然后在server.js中

// socket.io communication
io.sockets.on('connection', socketRoutes(io));

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