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[英]why this mongoose text search doesn't work

Even though I have similar data in collection, result always comes back empty. 即使我收集了相似的数据,结果也总是空着。 I have ingredients in array[object]. 我在array [object]中有成分。 That means qty:1 unit:spoon ing:salt and I want only ing to be searchable. 这意味着数量:1单位:勺子ing:盐,我只希望ing是可搜索的。 I have mongoose debug enabled and it shows: 我启用了猫鼬调试功能,它显示:

Mongoose: recipes.ensureIndex({ 'Ingridients.ing': 'text' }) { background: true, safe: undefined }

This is the code: 这是代码:

var RecipesSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  Name: {type: String, required: true},
  Desc: String,
  Ingridients: [{qty:Number, unit:String, ing:{ type: String, index: "text" } }],
  created: { type: Date }

Recipe.find({ $text : { $search : "salt egg potato peper" } }, 
            { score : { $meta: "textScore" }
    .sort({ score : { $meta : 'textScore' } })
    .exec(function(err, recipe) {
        // callback
        if(err) console.log(err);
            res.render('list', { recipes: recipe });

after i tried on localhost and it worked, switched on mongolab.com by dropping and recreating collection and indexes again. 在尝试在localhost上运行之后,通过删除并重新创建集合和索引来打开mongolab.com。 it was not able to index correctly 它无法正确索引

ERR: planner returned error: need exactly one text index for $text query',  code: 17007

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