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[英]Change app.config value of other project at runtime

I have two projects under the same solution. 我在同一解决方案下有两个项目。 I want to change the value of a project's app.config but I don' know how to do it 我想更改项目app.config的值,但我不知道该怎么做

Project A 项目A.

Project B 项目B.

They are supposed to run as such : Project A is a codedUITest, and I want to change a value of it's configuration file. 他们应该这样运行:项目A是一个codedUITest,我想更改它的配置文件的值。

This is how I have tried 这就是我尝试过的方式

string abc = @"absolutePath\app.config";
Configuration configuration =                     ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(abc);
configuration.AppSettings.Settings["areaCode"].Value = "new";

The project's app.config that I want to modify is a .dll (codedUiTestProject) 我要修改的项目的app.config是.dll(codedUiTestProject)

This is my node's structure : 这是我的节点结构:

    <add key="LogFilePath" value="" />
    <add key="areaCode" value="steamAccessDummy"/>

I need some help, thanks ! 我需要一些帮助,谢谢! Are there any other solutions ? 还有其他解决方案吗?

您是否尝试过configuration.Save(ConfigurationSaveMode.Full, true);

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