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asp.net mvc 5网站挂起nopcommerce

[英]asp.net mvc 5 website hangs nopcommerce

My aim is to define a problem here! 我的目的是在这里定义一个问题! I couldn't define my problem so I couldn't solve it yet.. So I need suggestions to understand the case. 我无法定义我的问题,所以我现在还不能解决。.因此,我需要一些建议来了解此案。

First of all my problem is about Nopcommerce. 首先,我的问题是关于Nopcommerce。 I want to tell the story first. 我想先讲这个故事。 Then I will wait your suggestions. 然后,我将等待您的建议。

I'm using nopcommerce 3.50. 我正在使用nopcommerce 3.50。 I developed one payment, one shipping and one miscellaneous plugin which includes some special things for our business. 我开发了一种付款方式,一种运输方式和一个其他插件,其中包括一些针对我们业务的特殊事项。 Anyway I did not touch the core of nopcommerce. 无论如何,我没有触及nopcommerce的核心。

As for the server environment; 至于服务器环境; Windows Server 2012, IIS 8 and Sql Server 2012. Windows Server 2012,IIS 8和Sql Server 2012。

Ok then, what was happened. 好的,那是怎么回事。 We just announced and opened yesterday; 我们刚刚宣布并于昨天开业; last night approximately 2000 people visited the web site.. After that when traffic start to decrease web site stopped to response (hangs). 昨晚大约有2000人访问了该网站。此后,当流量开始减少时,该网站停止了响应(挂起)。 After I saving web.config file application restarted and things turned to normal, since today morning. 从今天早上开始,保存完web.config文件后,应用程序重新启动,一切恢复正常。 After this morning every hour maybe less than one hour, application stopped to respond even there were no such traffic on it and even CPU and memory status were so normal.. 在每天早上大约不到一个小时的时间之后,即使上面没有此类流量,甚至CPU和内存状态都非常正常,应用程序也停止响应。

When I looked at the nopcommerce logs, there is no significant thing to understand the case, also there is no any evidence in windows event logs.. 当我查看nopcommerce日志时,没有什么要理解的情况,Windows事件日志中也没有任何证据。

What can cause such problem, my brain really stuck.. I couldn't think healthily.. Please provide me some suggestions.. 是什么原因导致这种问题,我的大脑真的卡住了。.我无法健康地思考..请给我一些建议。

You should create your own logger and attach it to the on error event. 您应该创建自己的记录器并将其附加到on error事件。 And possibly attach a remote debugger 并可能附加一个远程调试器

I have faced almost same issue. 我面临几乎相同的问题。 We were using same VPS for SQL Server and Nop Commerce. 我们为SQL Server和Nop Commerce使用了相同的VPS。 VPS had about 2GB. VPS大约有2GB。 After long struggle, with help of pleask monitor, i managed to isolate the issue towards memory. 经过长期的努力,在Pleask Monitor的帮助下,我设法将问题隔离到内存中。 When system ramps up with more users, Nop Commerce loads more data in-to memory cache. 随着更多用户的使用,Nop Commerce将更多数据加载到内存缓存中。 On other side, SQL Server tend to eat up more than 1GB. 另一方面,SQL Server往往会消耗超过1GB的内存。 So system started to crash. 因此系统开始崩溃。

As a solution, i have purchased one more GB ram and set SQL Server to consume maximum of only 1GB. 作为解决方案,我购买了另外一个GB的ram并将SQL Server设置为最多仅消耗1GB。 Then system started to run normally. 然后系统开始正常运行。 Best configuration is to give atleast 1GB for SQL Server and 1GB for Nop Commerce. 最佳配置是为SQL Server提供至少1GB,为Nop Commerce提供至少1GB。

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