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[英]Dynamically adding an attribute Directive to a transclude Directive in AngularJS

I'm attempting to dynamically add an attribute Directive to a transclude directive. 我正在尝试将属性指令动态添加到transclude指令。

For example, the template would start off as follows: 例如,模板将开始如下:

<div class="container">
  <div ng-transclude></div>

After an event takes place (eg. a click), it would then have an attribute Directive added, such as: 事件发生后(例如,单击),它将添加一个Directive属性,例如:

<div class="container" some-directive>
  <div ng-transclude></div>

I'm using the following JavaScript to do this: 我正在使用以下JavaScript来做到这一点:

div = angular.element("#demoParentDirective .container").clone();
div = $compile(div)($scope);
angular.element("#demoParentDirective .container").replaceWith(div);

However, this results in: 但是,这导致:

Error: [ngTransclude:orphan] Illegal use of ngTransclude directive in the template! No parent directive that requires a transclusion found. Element: <div ng-transclude="">

I've created a stripped down demo of what I'm trying to do in Plunker to show how I'm doing it: 我已经在Plunker中创建了一份我要尝试做的简短演示,以展示我的工作方式:

http://plnkr.co/edit/xIKwJqKFbvs6DVnJrDUh?p=preview http://plnkr.co/edit/xIKwJqKFbvs6DVnJrDUh?p=preview

Any help would be appreciated. 任何帮助,将不胜感激。 Thanks. 谢谢。

Update: 更新:

As requested, I've created a follow-up question asking if there is a better way to achieve what it is I'm trying to achieve: 根据要求,我创建了一个后续问题,询问是否有更好的方法来实现我要实现的目标:

Creating a 'tab-away' attribute Directive with AngularJS 用AngularJS创建一个'tab-away'属性指令

Adding transclude to your child directive fixes the issue in your Plunk 在子指令中添加transclude可以解决Plunk中的问题

.directive('demoChildDirective', function() {
    return {
      restrict: "A",
      priority: 500,
      transclude: true,
      link: function(scope, element, attributes) {
        console.log("Child Directive Applied.");

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