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10038 WSA套接字错误记录

[英]10038 wsa socket error recv

I'm currently trying to implement a class to create and use TCP connections. 我目前正在尝试实现一个类来创建和使用TCP连接。 (I'm quite new in c++ so it's possible that I forgot something obvious, even though I've been seriously checking my code) (我是C ++的新手,所以即使我一直在认真检查我的代码,也有可能忘记了一些明显的东西)

Note that later I'll be implementing a second class to handle new connections so there are some parts of the code that are incomplete/arranged and I hope that this won't disturb you while trying to understand it. 请注意,稍后我将实现第二个类来处理新的连接,因此代码的某些部分不完整/已安排好,希望这不会在您理解它时打扰您。

Here's my problem: 这是我的问题:

The server and the client both seem to work fine (I'm always checking on my listen, bind, connect functions: no error) and I'm apparently able to send data with the client but when I try to read it from the server, I get WSA error 10038 (which means that i'm executing the recv() on an invalid socket). 服务器和客户端似乎都可以正常工作(我一直在检查监听,绑定,连接功能:没有错误),而且显然可以与客户端发送数据,但是当我尝试从服务器读取数据时,我收到WSA错误10038(这意味着我正在无效的套接字上执行recv())。 I've been looking it up for a few days now and can't seem to find my mistake. 我已经查找了几天,但似乎找不到我的错误。 Besides the tests in the code, I've used "netstat -an -p tcp" to check the state of the connection and everything appears fine but the server just won't receive the data. 除了代码中的测试外,我还使用了“ netstat -an -p tcp”来检查连接状态,并且一切看起来都很好,但是服务器不会接收到数据。

NB: I'm using Visual Studio 6 (Yup, it's old, but it's mandatory so...) and winsock, not winsock2. 注意:我使用的是Visual Studio 6(是的,它很旧,但是它是强制性的,所以...)和winsock,而不是winsock2。

If I forgot something just ask, i'm trying to be as complete as possible but it's not impossible to forget something. 如果我只是问了一下就忘记了什么,我会尽力做到完整,但并非没有可能。

Here are my source codes, i tried to cut it to the essential but i'm afraid that the mistake can be pretty much anywhere: 这是我的源代码,我尝试将其简化为必不可少的内容,但我担心该错误几乎可能在任何地方出现:

CmTcpTransport.cpp CmTcpTransport.cpp

Initializes the TCP connexion (socket) in CLIENT or SERVER mode.
It does not connect yet.

@param strIPAddress: IP Adress to reach
       nPort: Port to connect to
       hSocket: client Socket if SERVER mode
       nTcpMode: mode for this connexion SERVER(1) or CLIENT(2)      

@return an int to get the exit point of the function
int CmTcpTransport::initialize(std::string strIPAddress, unsigned int nPort,         SOCKET hSocket, int nTcpMode)
m_nTcpMode = nTcpMode; 

cout << "Creating TCP connexion..." << endl << endl;

if (nTcpMode == 1) // SERVER

    serveraddr.sin_family = AF_INET; // address family Internet
    serveraddr.sin_port = htons (nPort); // Port to connect on
    serveraddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (strIPAddress.c_str()); // Target IP

    cout << "SERVER: Retreaving socket information..." << endl; 

    if (hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)
        return 102; // The received socket is invalid
        cout << "SERVER: Socket creation failed" << endl;

    serverSocket = hSocket;

    cout << "SERVER: Listening socket received" << endl;

    if (bind(serverSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&serveraddr, sizeof(serveraddr)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
        return 103; // Couldn't bind
        cout << "SERVER: Socket binding failed" << endl;
    else {
        cout << "SERVER: Binding successful" << endl;

    if (listen(serverSocket, 1) == SOCKET_ERROR)
        return 103; // Couldn't listen
        cout << "SERVER: Socket listening failed" << endl;
    else {
        cout << "SERVER: Listening to socket" << endl;

else // CLIENT
    serveraddr.sin_family = AF_INET; // address family Internet
    serveraddr.sin_port = htons (nPort); // Port to connect on
    serveraddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (strIPAddress.c_str()); // Target IP

    cout << "CLIENT: Creating client socket..." << endl;


    if (clientSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)
        return 104; // Couldn't create the socket
        cout << "CLIENT: Socket creation failed" << endl;

    cout << "CLIENT: Client socket created" << endl;


cout << "Initialization succeeded." << endl << endl << endl;
return 105;

Creates the connexion to TCP

@param none        
@return an int to get the exit point of the function
int CmTcpTransport::connectTcp()

if (m_nTcpMode == 1) // SERVER
    cout << "Waiting for connexion..." << endl;
    int clientLen(0);
    clientLen = sizeof(clientaddr);

    if ((clientSocket = accept(serverSocket, (SOCKADDR *)&clientaddr, &clientLen) == INVALID_SOCKET))
        cout << "SERVER: Connexion failed." << endl;
        return 202;; // Couldn't listen
    else {
        cout << "SERVER: Connexion established." << endl << endl << endl;
        if (clientSocket == SOCKET_ERROR) 
            printf("socket became invalid after connexion:: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
        else {
                cout << "SOCKET STILL VALID AND WORKING AFTER CONNEXION" << endl;
        return 201;

else // CLIENT
    cout << "Connecting..." << endl;
    if (connect(clientSocket, (SOCKADDR *)&serveraddr, sizeof(serveraddr)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
        cout << "CLIENT: Connexion failed." << endl << endl << endl;
        return 202;; // Couldn't connect
        cout << "CLIENT: Connexion to server succeeded." << endl << endl <<         endl;
    return 203;

Receives a buffer of bytes from the TCP

@param buffer: buffer to store the data
       bufLen: size of the buffer

@return nbChar: the result of the recv function
if no error occurs, recv returns the number of bytes received
else, it returns a value of SOCKET_ERROR
int CmTcpTransport::recvTcp(char *buffer, int bufLen)
if (clientSocket == SOCKET_ERROR) 
            printf("socket became invalid before receive:: %d\n",  WSAGetLastError());
        else {
                cout << "SOCKET STILL VALID AND WORKING BEFORE RECEIVE" <<         endl;

int nbChar = recv(clientSocket, buffer, bufLen, 0);
if (nbChar == SOCKET_ERROR)
    printf("recv failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
    cout << "No data received." << endl << endl << endl;
    return nbChar;
else {
    buffer[nbChar]=0; // Gestion de la taille du buffer
    cout << "Data received: " << buffer << endl << endl << endl;
    return nbChar;
Sends a buffer of bytes to the TCP

@param buffer: buffer containing the data
       bufLen: size of the buffer

@return nbChar: the result of the send function
if no error occurs, recv returns the number of bytes sent
else, it returns a value of SOCKET_ERROR
int CmTcpTransport::sendTcp(char *buffer, int bufLen)

int nbChar = send(clientSocket, buffer, bufLen,0);
if (nbChar == SOCKET_ERROR)

    cout << "No data sent." << endl << endl << endl;
    return nbChar;
else {
    cout << "Data sent: " << buffer << endl << endl << endl;
    return nbChar;

server main.cpp 服务器main.cpp

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// ----------------------- WINSOCK ----------------------------

cout << "Initializing winsock library..." << endl;

// Start up Winsock
WSADATA wsadata;

int error = WSAStartup(0x101, &wsadata);

// Error ?
if (error) 0;

// Try Winsock Version ?
if (wsadata.wVersion != 0x101)
    WSACleanup(); // Clean up Winsock
    return 101;

cout << "Initialization successful" << endl << endl << endl;

// ----------------------- SERVER ---------------------------

char buffer[3000];

int testRecv; // return of the recv function

cout << "SERVER" << endl << endl << endl;

// Simulate the activity of the TcpListener transfering a listening Socket for the client connexion
SOCKET testSocket;
testSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP); 

// Creating a new TCP transport
CmTcpTransport server;

// Initialize and connect the TCP transport
server.initialize("", 10000, testSocket, TTCP_MODE_SERVER);


// Try to receive data
testRecv = server.recvTcp(buffer, sizeof(buffer));

cout << testRecv << endl;

// Disconnect

return 0;

client main.cpp 客户端main.cpp

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

// ----------------------- WINSOCK ----------------------------

cout << "Initializing winsock library..." << endl;

// Start up Winsock
WSADATA wsadata;

int error = WSAStartup(0x0202, &wsadata);

// Error ?
if (error) 0;

// Try Winsock Version ?
if (wsadata.wVersion != 0x0202)
    WSACleanup(); // Clean up Winsock
    return 101;

cout << "Initialization successful" << endl << endl << endl;

// ----------------------- CLIENT ---------------------------

char buffer[10000];

cout << "CLIENT" << endl << endl << endl;

// this Socket won't be used as the TCP transport is in client mode
SOCKET test;

// Create, initialize and connect the client TCP transport
CmTcpTransport client;

client.initialize("", 10000, test, TTCP_MODE_CLIENT);


// Copy the data in the buffer and send it
strcpy(buffer, "Test donnees");

client.sendTcp(buffer, sizeof(buffer));


return 0;

And here are screenshots of my consoles when I run both mains: 这是同时运行两个主电源时控制台的屏幕截图:

http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=892752Consoles.jpg http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=892752Consoles.jpg

Thank you for your help, I realize this is a lot to read/process and I appreciate the effort ! 感谢您的帮助,我了解到要阅读/处理的内容很多,感谢您的努力!

I think you are invalidating the new sock-id on accept with incorrect braces : 我认为你是无效的新袜子-ID上accept不正确的括号:

if ((clientSocket = accept(serverSocket, (SOCKADDR *)&clientaddr, &clientLen) == INVALID_SOCKET))

Try changing it to : 尝试将其更改为:

if ((clientSocket = accept(serverSocket, (SOCKADDR *)&clientaddr, &clientLen)) == INVALID_SOCKET)

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