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SSL证书多个域。 重用证书

[英]SSL certificate multiple domain. Reuse certificate

Mi question is really simple: Mi问题真的很简单:

I have one server that owns multiple domains inside. 我有一台服务器,里面拥有多个域。 Recently I bought a SSL certificate for one of them. 最近,我为其中一个购买了SSL证书。

Is there any possibility to reuse that one certificate? 是否有可能重复使用该证书?

In other words, is SSL certificate related to the domain, or the hosting machine? 换句话说,SSL证书与域或主机有关吗?

If you purchased a wildcarded certificate that is valid for *. 如果您购买的通配符证书对*有效。 yourdomain.com , you can reuse it for other subdomains. yourdomain.com ,您可以将其重新用于其他子域。

Each certificate can be used just by one domain, despite, you can use it for all your subdomains. 每个证书只能由一个域使用,尽管您可以将其用于所有子域。

https://ssl.comodo.com/wildcard-ssl-certificates.php https://ssl.comodo.com/wildcard-ssl-certificates.php

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