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C ++继承,调用给定的类函数而不是父类?

[英]C++ inheritance, calling the given classes function instead of its parent?

Really bad title, couldn't think of how to word it, sorry. 真的很糟糕的标题,想不出怎么说出来,对不起。

So say I had the following code: 所以说我有以下代码:

class A {
    virtual int getSize() {
        return 0;

class B : public A {
    int getSize() {
        return 32;

void doStuff(A a) {
   std::cout << a.getSize() << std::endl;

int main() {
   B b;

It would print out 0 , however I want it to print out 32 . 它将打印出0 ,但我希望它打印出32 In other words, I want to pass it the class and it prints out that classes function, so I could create a class C , where the size is 64, and if I pass that C instance to the doStuff function, I want it to print 64. 换句话说,我想将它传递给类,并打印出类函数,所以我可以创建一个类C ,其中大小为64,如果我将该C实例传递给doStuff函数,我希望它打印64。

Is there any way I can do this in C++, would I have to use templates or some fancy C++ feature I don't know about? 有什么方法可以用C ++做到这一点,我是否必须使用模板或一些我不知道的奇特的C ++特性?

A one-byte patch: 一个单字节补丁:

void doStuff(A &a) {
  std::cout << a.getSize() << std::endl;

Your version takes the argument by value, which means that the function makes a copy of b (a copy which is an A ) and then calls the copy's getSize() . 您的版本按值获取参数,这意味着该函数会复制b (副本为A ),然后调用副本的getSize() In this version, the function takes the argument by reference, and calls b 's own getSize() , which is B::getSize() . 在这个版本中,函数通过引用获取参数,并调用b自己的getSize() ,即B::getSize()

You should use pointers, or even better: smart pointers! 你应该使用指针,甚至更好:智能指针! That way, the function of the runtime type gets called. 这样,就会调用运行时类型的函数。 It's a basic example of polymorhpism. 这是多态性的一个基本例子。 If you want to avoid pointers, Beta's slicing approach is equally valid. 如果你想避免指针,Beta的切片方法同样有效。

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

class A {
    virtual int getSize() {
        return 0;

class B : public A {
    virtual int getSize() {
        return 32;

void doStuff(std::shared_ptr<A> a) {
   std::cout << a->getSize() << std::endl;

int main() {
   std::shared_ptr<A> b(new B());
   doStuff(b); // Will output '32'.

This should correctly call the function as implemented by B. 这应该正确调用B实现的功能。

Slicing the object is one approach, and in addition I think you're asking for, I think, a pretty straightforward use of polymorphism in C++. 切片对象是一种方法,此外我认为你要求我在C ++中非常简单地使用多态。 http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/polymorphism/ http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/polymorphism/

That's almost immediately applicable, just call your class A Shape, and B and C could be Square and Triangle. 这几乎是立即适用的,只需将您的A类称为A形,B和C可以是Square和Triangle。 Your DoStuff function could take a pointer to a Shape, then you can pass it a triangle or a square, and when you deference the Shape in the function, it will call the correct function. 你的DoStuff函数可以指向一个Shape,然后你可以传递一个三角形或一个正方形,当你在函数中使用Shape时,它会调用正确的函数。

So you'd have (also you need to make the members public, I think): 所以你有(你也需要公开成员,我认为):

class A {
    virtual int getSize() {
        return 0;

class B : public A {

    int getSize() {
        return 32;

void doStuff(A* a) {
    std::cout << a->getSize() << std::endl;

int main() {
    B b;

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