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[英]Netezza - How to convert timestamp/datetime to 13-digit UNIX time millis?

I have read some reference about Netezza, but I cannot figure out how to convert timestamp/datetime value to 13-digit UNIX time millis. 我已经阅读了有关Netezza的一些参考,但是我无法弄清楚如何将时间戳/日期时间值转换为13位UNIX时间毫秒。

Any suggestion or ideas? 有什么建议或想法吗?

Postgres offers the extract(epoch from . . .) function that does exactly what you want: Postgres提供了extract(epoch from . . .)功能,它可以完全满足您的需求:

select extract(epoch from <datetimecol>) * 1000

This has been in Postgres for a long time, so I would guess that Netezza also supports it. 它已经存在于Postgres中很长时间了,所以我猜Netezza也支持它。

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