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闪亮 - 自定义警告/错误消息?

[英]Shiny - custom warning/error messages?

How can I print a custom warning/ error message when the required data is empty? 当所需数据为空时,如何打印自定义警告/错误消息?

for instance, in my server.R, I have this code below, 例如,在我的server.R中,我有以下代码,

output$plot = renderPlot({

      # Sites.
      site1 = input$site1

      # Prepare SQL query.
      query <- "SELECT * FROM datatable
                  WHERE sites.id = 'SITE1'

      # Match the pattern and replace it.
      query <- sub("SITE1", as.character(site1), query)

      # Store the result in data.
      data = dbGetQuery(DB, query)

      if (is.na(data) || data == '') {

        # print error/ warning message
        "sorry, no data is found."

      } else {

       # plot the data
       dens <- density(data$particles, na.rm = TRUE)

       plot(dens, main = paste("Histogram of ", "particles"), 
         xlab = "particles")


I get this unfriendly red error message below when no data is found. 当没有找到数据时,我在下面得到这个不友好的红色错误消息。

error: need at least 2 points to select a bandwidth automatically

ideally, 理想情况下,

sorry, no data is found.

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

As we need to return plot to renderPlot() we need to display the error/warning within plot() function. 由于我们需要将plot返回到renderPlot()我们需要在plot()函数中显示错误/警告。

We are plotting a blank scatter plot with "white" colour, then adding the error message with text() function in the middle - x=1 , y=1 of the plot, see below working example: 我们正在绘制一个带有"white"颜色的空白散点图,然后在中间添加带有text()函数的错误消息 - x=1y=1 ,见下面的工作示例:

#dummy dataframe
data <- data.frame(sites.id=rep(letters[1:3],10),particles=runif(30))

#subset - change "SiteX" to "a" to test ifelse
data <- data[data$sites.id=="SiteX", ]

if(nrow(data) == 0) {
  # print error/ warning message
  text(1,1,"no data")
} else {
  # plot the data
  dens <- density(data$particles, na.rm = TRUE)
  plot(dens, main = paste("Histogram of", sites.id, "particles"), 
       xlab = "particles")

In some cases you may want to use validate , see accepted answer there . 在某些情况下,您可能希望使用validate请在那里查看已接受的答案

For other cases I made a function based on @zx8754's answer, but using ggplot2 . 对于其他情况,我根据@ zx8754的答案创建了一个函数,但是使用了ggplot2 Here it is ready to be packaged. 在这里它可以打包。

Where you would have called : 你应该在哪里打电话:

stop("sorry, no data is found.")

call 呼叫

return(plot_exception("sorry, no data is found."))

the function : 功能 :

#' plot message for exception
#' Useful to display messages in \code{shiny} reports
#' Typically call \code{return(plot_exception(...))} where you would have called \code{stop(...)}
#' @param ... text to display, concatenated with sep
#' @param sep separator used for concatenation
#' @param type function to use to print in console
#' @param color text color, by default red for message and warning else black
#' @param console if TRUE print in console, if FALSE just plot
#' @param size text size
#' @examples
#' plot_exception("no data for current filter selection")
#' plot_exception("NO","WAY","!!!",color="blue",size=12,console=FALSE)
#' @export
plot_exception <-function(
  sep=" ",
  size = 6){      
  txt = paste(...,collapse=sep)
    if(type == "message") message(txt)
    if(type == "warning") warning(txt)
    if(type == "cat") cat(txt)
    if(type == "print") print(txt)
  if(color =="auto") color <- if(type == "cat") "black" else "red"
  if(txt == "warning") txt <- paste("warning:",txt)
  print(ggplot2::ggplot() +
          ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x=0,y=0,label=txt),color=color,size=size) + 

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