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[英]Frame.Navigate() vs this.Frame.Navigate()

What is the difference between Frame.Navigate() and this.Frame.Navigate() in a Windows 8.1 Store app? Windows 8.1应用商店应用中的Frame.Navigate()this.Frame.Navigate()有什么区别?

What difference does this 这有什么区别


have with this? 有这个吗?


There no difference. 没有区别。

The this keyword refers to the current instance of the class and is also used as a modifier of the first parameter of an extension method. this关键字引用该类的当前实例,并且还用作扩展方法的第一个参数的修饰符。

https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dk1507sz.aspx https://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-CN/library/dk1507sz.aspx

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