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具有工作副本的Tortoise SVN合并存储库

[英]Tortoise SVN merging repository with working copy

I've tried searching for answers to my problem but every thread starts talking about branches and trunks and I have no idea what they're talking about. 我曾尝试寻找问题的答案,但每个线程都开始谈论分支和主干,我不知道他们在说什么。

I'm in a team of 2. We've started working on a single excel spreadsheet. 我是2人一组。我们已经开始处理单个excel电子表格。 I use SVN update before making my changes, however while I'm making changes, my team-mate also makes changes and commits them before I do. 我在进行更改之前使用SVN更新,但是在进行更改时,我的队友也会进行更改并在进行更改之前将其提交。

I was first told that I simply have to update again before I commit and it should merge my team-mate's changes with mine. 最初我被告知,我只需要在提交之前再次更新即可,它应该将我队友的更改与我的更改合并。 However when I update the .xlsx file, nothing seems to happen. 但是,当我更新.xlsx文件时,似乎什么也没发生。 I open up my local copy again and it isn't showing my team-mates changes. 我再次打开本地副本,但没有显示队友的更改。 I've tried using the merge option and clicked random things in numerous attempts but nothing works. 我尝试使用合并选项,并多次尝试单击随机事件,但没有任何效果。 Nothing I've tried will add my team-mates changes to my working copy. 我尝试过的所有操作都不会将队友的更改添加到我的工作副本中。 Every time I compare my working copy with the repository, the changes from both of us are all highlighted, but nothing I do seems to merge them together. 每当我将我的工作副本与存储库进行比较时,我们两个人所做的更改都将突出显示,但是我似乎没有做任何事情将它们合并在一起。

The cells we modify in the spreadsheet are different ones, so we don't both make direct changes to the same cell. 我们在电子表格中修改的单元格是不同的,因此我们都不会直接对同一单元格进行更改。 It should be a simple merge. 它应该是一个简单的合并。

This is driving me up the wall, it keeps saying "merge successful" or "update successful" but it isn't doing anything. 这让我望而却步,一直说“合并成功”或“更新成功”,但是它什么也没做。

.xlsx files are not text-files (they are really zip-archives), don't expect merging of such files from Subversion in any case 的.xlsx文件没有文本的文件(他们是真正的ZIP档案),不要指望从Subversion在任何情况下这些文件的合并

You can't have easy teamwork with Office's documents 您无法轻松使用Office文档进行团队合作

First of all, xlsx files are binary rather than textual so SVN cannot merge them very well. 首先,xlsx文件是二进制文件,而不是文本文件,因此SVN无法很好地合并它们。 So two of you working on one such file at the same time will not work well even if nothing goes wrong. 因此,即使没有任何问题,你们两个人同时处理一个这样的文件也无法正常工作。

As for why you never saw the changes, probably you still had the file with your changes open in Excel when you did your update, and Excel never prompted to load the new changes. 至于为什么你从来没见过的改变,也许你仍然有自己的更改在Excel中打开该文件时,你做你的更新和Excel从不提示加载新的变化。

To correct the immediate situation you can move your version of the file elsewhere, svn update to get the repository version back, and manually compare and resolve the differences. 要纠正当前情况,您可以将文件的版本移到其他位置,使用svn update来恢复存储库版本,然后手动比较并解决差异。

In the future, since SVN is not suited well for merging this type of file, set the svn:needs-lock property on this file, and always be sure to svn lock it before editing to keep your coworkers from making changes at the same time. 将来,由于SVN不太适合合并这种类型的文件,请在此文件上设置svn:needs-lock属性,并始终确保在编辑之前先对其进行svn lock ,以防止您的同事同时进行更改。

If you need simultaneous editing capabilities, look into what cloud services Microsoft offers, or switch to Google Docs or similar. 如果需要同时编辑功能,请查看Microsoft提供的云服务,或切换到Google Docs或类似文件。

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