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jQuery UI日期选择器未显示

[英]Jquery UI date-picker does not show up

I am using Jquery UI Datepicker and Timepicker to jQuery UI Datepicker . 我正在使用jQuery UI Datepicker的 Jquery UI DatepickerTimepicker

I have followed the instruction in the UI documentations but my date-picker does not show at all when clicking on the input. 我已经按照UI文档中的说明进行操作,但是单击输入时我的日期选择器根本没有显示。

UI tabs and accordions works just fine and they are all called the same way. UI选项卡和手风琴工作正常,并且都以相同的方式调用。

I have put together a live test here: http://loai.directory/test/modules.php 我在这里进行了实时测试: http : //loai.directory/test/modules.php

The HTML for the date-picker is: 日期选择器的HTML是:

<input name="" class="date-picker" autocomplete="off" readonly="readonly">

All the UI elements are being called from main.js which is located in assets/js/main.js 所有UI元素都从位于asset / js / main.js中的main.js调用

//Date pickers

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

While debugging the link in the dev console I cannot see the jquery-ui.css getting loaded. 在开发控制台中调试链接时,我看不到jquery-ui.css正在加载。 I believe it contains the classes needed tgo create the calendar control. 我相信它包含创建日历控件所需的类。 make sure the css is in the right path 确保CSS在正确的路径中

jQuery CSS未加载

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