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[英]Couldn't match type `[Char]' with `Char'

I have the following code: 我有以下代码:

nonstopfreq :: Eq a => [a] -> [(a,Int)] -> [(a,Int)]
nonstopfreq (x : xs) (y : ys) = nonstopfreq xs (filter (\y -> not (x == fst y)) ys) 

where the arguments are: 其中的参数是:

  1. list of String . String列表。
  2. tuple [([String],Int)] 元组[([String],Int)]

but I get the following error, because? 但出现以下错误,是因为?

Couldn't match type `[Char]' with `Char'
Expected type: [(String, Int)]
  Actual type: [([String], Int)]
In the second argument of `nonstopfreq', namely `aPrimerB'
In the expression: nonstopfreq lStopWords aPrimerB
In an equation for `aSegon':
    aSegon = nonstopfreq lStopWords aPrimerB

What I am trying to eliminate the elements listed and the tuple. 我正在尝试消除列出的元素和元组。

AprimerB is: [(["the"],1818),(["and"],940),(["to"],809),(["a"],690),(["of"],631),(["it"],545)‌​,(["she"],542),(["said"],462),(["you"],435),(["in"],431)] . AprimerB是: [(["the"],1818),(["and"],940),(["to"],809),(["a"],690),(["of"],631),(["it"],545)‌​,(["she"],542),(["said"],462),(["you"],435),(["in"],431)] The other argument, lStopWords , has type as obtained from words : 另一个参数lStopWords具有从words获取的类型:

     stopWords <- hGetContents fileStopWords
     let lStopWords = words stopWords

What I try is to remove AprimerB items shown in LstopWords . 我尝试是消除AprimerB中显示的项目LstopWords

Well, the problem is that lStopWords is simply a list of strings (of words, in this particular case) – ie, [a] ~ [String] or a ~ String . 好了,问题是, lStopWords仅仅是一个字符串列表(的话,在这种特殊情况下) -即, [a] ~ [String]或者a ~ String That means the second argument with its general type [(a, Int)] becomes [(String, Int)] . 这意味着一般类型为[(a, Int)]的第二个参数变为[(String, Int)] However, you've passed 但是,您已经通过了

aPrimerB = [(["the"],1818), (["and"],940) ... ]

where each of the strings is contained in a singleton list. 其中每个字符串都包含在一个单例列表中。 So the type of this is [([String], Int)] . 因此,此类型为[([String], Int)] Since each list has just one argument, you can actually change it easily to 由于每个列表只有一个参数,因此您实际上可以轻松地将其更改为

aPrimerB :: [(String, Int)]
aPrimerB = [("the",1818), ("and",940) ... ]

which will get rid of that error. 这将摆脱该错误。

Alternatively, you can also wrap every element of the words list in another singleton-list layer. 或者,您也可以将单词列表的每个元素包装在另一个单例列表层中。

   let lStopWords :: [[String]]
       lStopWords = map (:[]) $ words stopWords

Then you can keep the old definition of aPrimerB , because now a ~ [String] . 然后,您可以保留aPrimerB的旧定义,因为现在a ~ [String] The result would be basically the same, but the singleton lists seem pretty useless here. 结果基本上是相同的,但是单例列表在这里似乎毫无用处。

Note that even with that error fixed, nonstopfreq will still not work: there is no base case, so it will crash when either of the lists is empty. 请注意,即使已修复该错误, nonstopfreq仍将不起作用:没有基本情况,因此当其中一个列表为空时,它将崩溃。

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