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[英]generic interface method and implementation classes

I have this interface method in the Animal interface : 我在Animal interface有此接口方法:

<T extends Animal> boolean isEqual(T pAnimal);

now I am in trouble with the implementation. 现在我在执行上遇到了麻烦。 I have two classes Dog and Cat . 我有DogCat两个班。 Both classes extends from Animal . 这两个类都从Animal extends而来。 I want to overwrite the method but with the concrete implementation: 我想覆盖该方法,但要具体实现:

public boolean isEqual(Dog pDog) {
  // do some stuff.
  return true;

this leads to the compile error 这导致编译错误

must override or implement a supertype method

How I have to define the interface so that it is not necessary to make a typecast in my concrete implementation class? 我如何定义接口,以便不必在我的具体实现类中进行typecast

Thanks in advance 提前致谢

Stefan 斯特凡

It would work if you move the type parameter to the interface level : 如果将type参数移动到接口级别,它将起作用:

public interface MyInterface<T extends Animal> {
    boolean isEqual(T pAnimal);

Then 然后

public class Dog implements MyInterface<Dog> {
    boolean isEquals (Dog dog) {}

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