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ui-bootstrap datepicker:强制重新渲染datepicker?

[英]ui-bootstrap datepicker: Force a re-render of a datepicker?

Specifically using ui-bootstrap's datepicker and NO jQuery... 特别是使用ui-bootstrap的datepicker和没有jQuery ...

So, I'm trying to sew together a date range picker of sorts from two datepickers and it's pretty close. 因此,我正在尝试从两个日期选择器中缝制某种类型的日期范围选择器,它非常接近。 I'm trying to disable dates on the start calendar based on the date selected on the end calendar and vice versa. 我正在尝试根据结束日历上选择的日期来禁用开始日历上的日期,反之亦然。 The problem is that the start calendar only refreshes or re-renders when a selection is made on that calendar. 问题在于,开始日历仅在对该日历进行选择时才刷新或重新渲染。 So if I select a date on the end calendar, the start calendar will not re-run the disable-date function and re-render until I pick a date on the start calendar again. 因此,如果我在结束日历上选择一个日期,则开始日历将不会重新运行disable-date函数并重新呈现,直到我再次在开始日历上选择一个日期为止。

Does anyone know a way to force a re-render of a calendar or make a direct call to the supplied disable-date or custom-class functions? 有谁知道一种强制重新渲染日历或直接调用所提供的禁用日期或自定义类函数的方法?

I'm not really 100% sure this is what you're looking for without any code to base this answer on, but hopefully this will give you a hint as to how to accomplish what you want. 我不是真的100%地确定这是您在寻找的内容,而没有任何代码可以基于此答案,但是希望这会给您一些提示,告诉您如何完成所需的操作。

Plunker Demo 柱塞演示

So if you want to create a very simple date range picker, you can take advantage of the min-date attribute, which points to a bindable expression. 因此,如果您想创建一个非常简单的日期范围选择器,则可以利用min-date属性,该属性指向可绑定的表达式。 This means that whenever the parent scope property changes, the corresponding isolated scope property of the datepicker also changes, and vice versa. 这意味着,每当父范围属性更改时,日期选择器的相应隔离范围属性也会更改,反之亦然。 Therefore, if you bind the min-date attribute of the "end date" datepicker to the model for the "start date" datepicker, whenever the start date is changed, the second datepicker will be updated to reflect the change. 因此,如果将“结束日期”日期选择器的min-date属性绑定到“开始日期”日期选择器的模型,则无论何时更改开始日期,都会更新第二个日期选择器以反映更改。

<datepicker ng-model="startdt" show-weeks="false"></datepicker>
<datepicker ng-model="enddt" min-date="startdt" show-weeks="false"></datepicker>

To make things a little nicer for the user, you could further watch the start date and automatically update the end date in the event that the selected start date is greater than the currently selected end date. 为了使用户感觉更好,您可以进一步观察开始日期,并在选定的开始日期大于当前选定的结束日期的情况下自动更新结束日期。

$scope.$watch('startdt', function(newval){
  if (newval > $scope.enddt) {
    $scope.enddt = newval;

To further improve usability, if you're using UI Bootstrap 0.13.0 +, you can use the custom-class attribute to set a custom CSS class on the date range. 为了进一步提高可用性,如果使用的是UI Bootstrap 0.13.0 +,则可以使用custom-class属性在日期范围内设置自定义CSS类。 As an example of this, you could add: 例如,您可以添加:

Markup 标记

//Bind the custom-class attribute to the setRangeClass function
<datepicker ng-model="enddt" min-date="startdt" custom-class="setRangeClass(date, mode)" show-weeks="false"></datepicker>

Controller 调节器

  //Define the setRangeClass on the controller
  $scope.setRangeClass = function(date, mode) {
    if (mode === 'day') {
      var dayToCheck = new Date(date).setHours(0,0,0,0);
      var startDay = new Date($scope.startdt).setHours(0,0,0,0);
      var endDay = new Date($scope.enddt).setHours(0,0,0,0);

      if (dayToCheck >= startDay && dayToCheck < endDay) {
        return 'range';
    return '';


  /*Create the corresponding .range class*/
  .range>.btn-default {
    background-color: #5bb75b;
  .range button span {
    color: #fff;
    font-weight: bold;

If I understand you correctly you have a similar problem to what I have. 如果我对您的理解正确,那么您将遇到与我类似的问题。 My getDayClass method is dependent on information loaded from the server. 我的getDayClass方法取决于从服务器加载的信息。 So when the widget renders it is not available, thus requiring a rerender when I receive the lookup data from the server. 因此,当小部件呈现时,它不可用,因此当我从服务器收到查找数据时,需要重新呈现。

<datepicker ng-model="selectedDate" 
            custom-class="getDayClass(date, mode)">

My widget renders and then after the response from the server I trigger a rerender the component to update the styles.To trigger the rerender I have found I can just update the selectedDate object: 我的小部件会渲染,然后在服务器响应后,我触发一个重新渲染组件以更新样式。要触发该重新渲染,我发现我可以只更新selectedDate对象:

$scope.selectedDate = new Date($scope.selectedDate.getTime() + 1);

Admittedly this is a bit of a hack, but seems to work for now. 诚然,这有点麻烦,但目前看来行之有效。

If you are using jquery datepicker then, you can use beforeShowDay function. 如果您正在使用jquery datepicker,则可以使用beforeShowDay函数。 For one of our projects, we have used it as follows: 对于我们的项目之一,我们已将其使用如下:

    beforeShowDay: function(date) {
        var dateStr = formatDate(date);
        var indexOfDate = $.inArray(dateStr, goldCalendarDateSource);
        if (indexOfDate != -1) {
            var tooltip = decodeStr(goldEventTooltipsArray[indexOfDate]);
            return [true, 'highlight', tooltip]; //[0]= isSelectable, 1= cssClass, [2]=Some tooltip text
        return [false, '', '']

goldCalendarDateSource is an array of dates. goldCalendarDateSource是一个日期数组。 We are highlighting some using that array. 我们将重点介绍一些使用该数组的方法。 As the js comment explains, you can provide parameters in this order: [isEnabled, additionalCssClass, tooltipText]. 正如js注释所解释的,您可以按以下顺序提供参数:[isEnabled,additionalCssClass,tooltipText]。 jQuery is reading that array... jQuery正在读取该数组...

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