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[英]Extract number from a formatted string(dropdownlist)

So I'm trying to extract an integer from a string(selectedtext from dropdownlist) using substring. 所以我试图使用子字符串从字符串(从下拉列表中选择文本)中提取一个整数。 The number is between parenthesis, this is my code, but it keeps saying length cannot be zero, which I guess means that it can't find the parenthesis, even though they are there. 数字在括号之间,这是我的代码,但一直说长度不能为零,我想这意味着即使有括号也无法找到括号。 An example of a value from my dropdownlist would be Test(99) or Teehee(1) 我的下拉列表中的一个值示例是Test(99)或Teehee(1)

int selectedValue = int.Parse(values.SelectedText.Substring(values.SelectedText.IndexOf("(") + 1, values.SelectedText.IndexOf(")") - values.SelectedText.IndexOf("(") - 1)));

You should use a regular expression for this. 您应该为此使用正则表达式。

Pattern Demonstration 模式演示

https://regex101.com/r/gH3xK2/1 https://regex101.com/r/gH3xK2/1

Pattern 图案


Example Usage 用法示例

  Regex.Match("Test(99)", @"\(([^)]*)\)").Groups[1].Value

If your number is always an Integer you can use Regex for it 如果您的电话号码始终是整数,则可以使用正则Regex

var resultNumber = Regex.Match(values.SelectedText, @"\d+").Value;

and then use int.parse 然后使用int.parse

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