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[英]Django Select Query to get multiple columns with condition

I've a table/model 'ABC' that has two column fields 'A' and 'B'. 我有一个具有两个列字段“ A”和“ B”的表/模型“ ABC”。 I want to query the above table as follows: 我想查询上表如下:

select A, B from ABC where B is not null;

I'm able to do 我能做

select A, B from ABC;

but I don't know how to introduce the null check condition. 但我不知道如何引入空检查条件。 I've tried the following with no success: 我已经尝试了以下方法,但均未成功:

ABC.objects.values('A', 'B')  # which is getting all the tuples including null valued 'B' column
ABC.objects.values('A', 'B', 'B__isnull=False')  # which is incorrect
ABC.objects.values('A', 'B__isnull=False')  # which is incorrect again.

Can someone provide the correct format/query which I can use? 有人可以提供我可以使用的正确格式/查询吗?

Thanks. 谢谢。

Try using the filter method: 尝试使用filter方法:

ABC.objects.filter(B__isnull=False).values('A', 'B')

As you mention it is also possible to use exclude : 如您所述,也可以使用exclude

ABC.objects.exclude(B__isnull=True).values('A', 'B')

The exclude method is the same as a filter, it just puts a not around the condition that is matched. exclude方法与过滤器相同,只是将一个not在匹配条件周围。 They're the perfect opposites, it's just the code will read better with filter in some circumstances, and exclude with other conditions. 它们是完全相反的,只是在某些情况下使用filter可以使代码更好地读取,而在其他情况下则可以使代码更好地读取。

There is one minor note in the docs about when the ordering of calls like exclude and values , but it doesn't make a logical difference: 在文档中,有一个小小的注释说明何时调用诸如excludevalues的顺序,但这并没有逻辑上的区别:

Finally, note that a ValuesQuerySet is a subclass of QuerySet and it implements most of the same methods. 最后,请注意,ValuesQuerySet是QuerySet的子类,它实现了大多数相同的方法。 You can call filter() on it, order_by(), etc. That means that these two calls are identical: 您可以在其上调用filter(),order_by()等。这意味着这两个调用是相同的:


The people who made Django prefer to put all the SQL-affecting methods first, followed (optionally) by any output-affecting methods (such as values()), but it doesn't really matter. 创建Django的人更喜欢将所有影响SQL的方法放在首位,然后(可选)再加上任何影响输出的方法(例如values()),但这并不重要。 This is your chance to really flaunt your individualism. 这是您真正炫耀个人主义的机会。


ABC.objects.values('A', 'B').exclude(B__isnull=True)

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