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[英]Sharding & Replication in mongodb

First of all, I'm a beginner in mongoDB so please be patient with me. 首先,我是mongoDB的初学者,所以请耐心等待。 I'm using windows and I created a simple database that contains 4 collections. 我正在使用Windows,并创建了一个包含4个集合的简单数据库。 When I'm dealing with mongoDB, I first run: mongod.exe --dbpath "Path To Data Folder" in a terminal and then I connect to the mongod using mongo.exe . 当我处理mongoDB时,我首先运行: mongod.exe --dbpath "Path To Data Folder"在终端中mongod.exe --dbpath "Path To Data Folder" ,然后使用mongo.exe连接到mongod。 What I'm supposed to do is to distribute the database along with its collections into shards and replica sets for supporting distributed queries. 我应该做的就是将数据库及其集合分发到分片和副本集中,以支持分布式查询。

I tried to use commands like sh.enableSharding("DATABASE NAME") but it didn't work. 我尝试使用sh.enableSharding("DATABASE NAME")类的命令,但是没有用。 I then figured out that I need to run mongos instead of mongod, so I followed this: Sharding in MongoDB but unfortunately I didn't succeeded. 然后,我发现我需要运行mongos而不是mongod,所以我遵循了这一点: 在MongoDB中进行分片,但不幸的是,我没有成功。 I also did some research but it seems there is a lack of to-the-point guides on sharding and replication. 我也做了一些研究,但是似乎缺乏关于分片和复制的重点指南。 So if you point me to the right direction, I would really appreciate it. 因此,如果您指出正确的方向,我将非常感激。

You can't enable sharding on a single database instance. 您不能在单个数据库实例上启用分片。 You need to have at least 3 config server instances, two database (mongod) instances and a router instance (mongos). 您至少需要3个配置服务器实例,两个数据库(mongod)实例和一个路由器实例(mongos)。 All of them should be running in the same time (ie don't close the terminals in which you started all your instances). 所有这些都应该在同一时间运行(即,不要关闭启动所有实例的终端)。

A good starting point for you is to read the sharding tutorial in Deploy a Sharded Cluster - MongoDB.org 一个不错的起点是阅读“ 部署分片集群”中的分片教程-MongoDB.org

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