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[英]Javascript Multiplication issue in Calculator

Multiplying 'Area' value with one of three separate fixed values (types of paint:Premium/Luxury/Regular) so as to calculate the total. 将“面积”值乘以三个单独的固定值之一(油漆类型:高级/豪华/常规),以计算总和。 There are three values to choose from the dropdown option, but the calculator function always loads the last value as the multiplier. 从下拉选项中可以选择三个值,但是计算器功能始终将最后一个值作为乘数加载。

Calculator works with one fixed value only 计算器只能使用一个固定值

 window.onload = function(){ function findID(id) { //function to make 'getElementById easier to maintain; return document.getElementById(id); } var calculator = { multOne: findID('mult-one'), multTwo: findID('mult-two'), multThree: findID('mult-three'), multFour: findID('mult-four'), product: findID('product'), calculate: findID('calculate'), clear: findID('clear') }; // Onclick Events for buttons calculator.clear.onclick = function() { calculator.multOne.value = ''; calculator.multTwo.value = ''; calculator.multThree.value = ''; calculator.multFour.value = ''; calculator.product.value = 'Please Refresh your browser'; console.log(result = 0); } calculator.calculate.onclick = function() { var result = calculator.multOne.value * calculator.multTwo.value; console.log(result); if(isNaN(result)) { calculator.product.value = 'Not Valid - Try Again!!' } else { calculator.product.value = result; } } calculator.calculate.onclick = function() { var result = calculator.multOne.value * calculator.multThree.value; console.log(result); if(isNaN(result)) { calculator.product.value = 'Not Valid - Try Again!!' } else { calculator.product.value = result; } } calculator.calculate.onclick = function() { var result = calculator.multOne.value * calculator.multFour.value; console.log(result); if(isNaN(result)) { calculator.product.value = 'Not Valid - Try Again!!' } else { calculator.product.value = result; } } } 
 <form method="post"> <p class="home-widget-caption" style="color:#ff4102; font-size:14px;">Type of Paint</p> <select name="types" style="width:120px"> <option id="mult-two" value="30">Luxury</option> <option id="mult-three" value="20">Premium</option> <option id="mult-four" value="10">Regular</option> </select> <br> <p class="home-widget-caption" style="color:#ff4102; font-size:14px; margin-top:10px;">Painting Area</p> <input type="text" id="mult-one" style="width:120px">&nbsp;<span style="color:#999999">sq.ft.</span> <br><br> <div style="text-align:center"> <button type="button" id="calculate" style="padding:10px 30px 10px 30px; margin-bottom:15px">Calculate My painting cost</button> <button type="button" id="clear" style="display:none">Clear</button> </div> <p class="home-widget-caption" style="color:#ff4102; font-size:16px">Your total expenditure</p> <input type="text" id="product" style="width:270px"> <br><br> </form> 

You are not supposed to have multiple 你不应该有多个

calculator.calculate.onclick = function() {}

You must have only one, where you get the selected value of your <select> , and do the calculations. 您必须只有一个,您可以在其中获得<select>的选定值并进行计算。

Your <select> could have an id you would use later to get selected option value : 您的<select>可能具有一个ID,以后您将使用该ID来获取选定的选项值:

<select id="typesID" name="types" style="width:120px">
        <option id="mult-two" value="30">Luxury</option>
        <option id="mult-three" value="20">Premium</option>
        <option id="mult-four" value="10">Regular</option>

Then in your JS side : 然后在您的JS端:

calculator.calculate.onclick = function() {
    var e = document.getElementById("typesID");
    var selectedValue = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;

    var result = calculator.multOne.value * selectedValue;
    if(isNaN(result)) {
        calculator.product.value = 'Not Valid - Try Again!!'
    else {
        calculator.product.value = result;

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