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Java中将Object []数组转换为泛型类型数组时发生ClassCastException

[英]ClassCastException when casting Object[] array to generic type array in Java

Hi I'm very new to Java and in this code, I think I'm not creating the Bag correctly in the Main? 嗨,我是Java的新手,在这段代码中,我认为我没有在Main中正确创建Bag? Please help thanks! 请帮忙谢谢!

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; 线程“主”中的异常java.lang.ClassCastException:[Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to [Ljava.lang.Comparable; 无法转换为[Ljava.lang.Comparable; at mid.Bag.(Bag.java:12) at mid.Bag.main(Bag.java:91) 在包包中间(Bag.java:12)在中间包包主要(Bag.java:91)

        public class Bag<T extends Comparable<T>> implements Iterable<T> {
      private int MAX_ITEMS = 10; // initial array size
      private int size;
      private T[] data;

      public Bag( ) {
        data = (T []) new Object[MAX_ITEMS];
        size = 0;

      public void add(T newItem) {
        // check if it's full, then extend (array resizing)
        if (size == data.length) {
          T[ ] temp = (T [ ] ) new Object[data.length*2];
          for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
            temp[i] = data[i];
          // reassign data to point to temp
          data = temp;
        // then do the assignment
        data[size++] = newItem; // assign newItem in the next-available slot

public Iterator<T> iterator() {
    return new BagIterator();

  * nested class BagIterator
   class BagIterator implements Iterator<T> {
    // instance member
    private int index;

    // (0) constructor
    public BagIterator() {
      index = 0;
    // (1)
    public boolean hasNext() {
      return (index < size); // size in the outer Bag<E>
    // (2)
    public T next() {
      T temp = data[index]; // save the element value
      index++; // increment index
      return temp;
      return data[index++];
      public static void main(String[ ] args) {
          Bag<String> bag1=new Bag<String>();

          for (String x: bag1)


Yes, you're creating an Object[] and then trying to cast it to T[] , which the compiler is converting to a cast to Comparable[] (using the raw Comparable type) due to your constraint on T. 是的,您正在创建一个Object[] ,然后尝试将其Comparable[]转换为T[] ,由于您对T的限制,编译器将其转换为Comparable[]转换为Comparable[] (使用原始Comparable类型)。

Arrays and generics don't work terribly nicely together, basically. 基本上,数组和泛型不能很好地协同工作。

It would probably be simpler to make your data field just an Object[] and cast individual values where necessary. data字段设置为Object[]并在必要时强制转换单个值可能会更简单。

Here: 这里:

data = (T []) new Object[MAX_ITEMS];

you are constructing an Object array and trying to cast it to T[] . 您正在构造一个Object数组,并尝试将其强制转换为T[] But you have declared that T inherits from Comparable . 但是您已经声明T继承自Comparable So use: 因此使用:

data = (T []) new Comparable[MAX_ITEMS];

You can probably rewrite your constructor as well: 您可能还可以重写您的构造函数:

public Bag(Class<T> c, int s) {
    // Use Array native method to create array of a type only known at run time
    final T[] dataArray = (T[]) Array.newInstance(c, s);
    this.data = dataArray;

Then you can use it like: 然后您可以像这样使用它:

Bag<String> bag1 = new Bag<>(String.class,10);

That should also work, IMO. IMO,这也应该起作用。 The instances of T must be comparable in any case. 在任何情况下,T的实例都必须是可比较的。

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