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[英]how to use bluebird to promisify node-rest-client

I'm trying to promisify the node-rest-client library (tried restler but seems not to be re-entrant and caused problems with parallel POSTs to same endpoint). 我正在尝试使node-rest-client库合格(尝试过restler,但似乎不能重新进入,并导致与并行POST到同一端点的问题)。

I've tried to use a similar approach to the provided filter/promisifer shown in the bluebird docs for restler, however can't seem to get it working. 我曾尝试对blueler docs中的restler使用类似的方法来提供所提供的过滤器/ promisifer,但是似乎无法使其正常工作。

node-rest-client uses a combination of callback function with two arguments for successful response whilst also providing an event emitter for timeouts and errors. node-rest-client结合使用回调函数和两个参数来成功响应,同时还为超时和错误提供事件发射器。

var Promise = require("bluebird");
var methodNamesToPromisify = "get post put del patch".split(" ");

function EventEmitterPromisifier(originalMethod) {
    // return a function
    return function promisified() {
        var args = [].slice.call(arguments);
        var self = this;
        return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            var emitter = originalMethod.apply(self, args, function(data, response){
              resolve([data, response]);

                .on("error", function(err) {
                .on("requestTimeout", function() {
                    reject(new Promise.TimeoutError());
                .on("responseTimeout", function() {
                    reject(new Promise.TimeoutError());

exports.promisifyClient = function(restClient){

  Promise.promisifyAll(restClient, {
      filter: function(name) {
          return methodNamesToPromisify.indexOf(name) > -1;
      promisifier: EventEmitterPromisifier

and elsewhere in the code: 和代码中的其他地方:

var Client = require('node-rest-client').Client;

var constants = require('../../config/local.env');

var restClient = new Client();

which successfully adds promisified functions to restClient 成功将承诺的功能添加到restClient

However, when I call postAsync(url, options).then(...) the node-rest-client library throws an error saying the callback is undefined. 但是,当我调用postAsync(url, options).then(...) ,node-rest-client库引发错误,指出回调未定义。

As far s I can see this should work, but it seems the callback function provided in the promisifier isn't making it through to the library. 据我所知,这应该行得通,但似乎promisifier中提供的回调函数并未将其传递到库中。

I'm hoping someone with more experience in Bluebird might be able to see what I'm doing wrong. 我希望对Bluebird有更多经验的人可以看到我在做什么错。

The .apply method does only take two arguments - the this context and an arguments array - but you are passing three. .apply的方法也只需要两个参数-在this方面和参数的数组-但你传递三个。

You'll need to put the callback onto the array to get it passed as the last argument to originalmethod : 您需要将回调函数放到数组上,以使它作为originalmethod的最后一个参数传递:

function EventEmitterPromisifier(originalMethod) {
    return function promisified() {
        var args = [].slice.call(arguments),
            self = this;
        return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            function timeout() {
                reject(new Promise.TimeoutError());
            args.push(function(data, response){
                resolve([data, response]);
            originalMethod.apply(self, args)
//                                     ^^^^
            .on("error", reject)
            .on("requestTimeout", timeout)
            .on("responseTimeout", timeout);

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