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[英]Crypto.VerifyHashedPassword throws exception

I have hashed the user password using Crypto.HashPassword('nakedPassword'); 我已经使用Crypto.HashPassword('nakedPassword');散列了用户密码Crypto.HashPassword('nakedPassword'); and saved this value in my db. 并将此值保存在我的数据库中。

During signup: 注册期间:

public Status Signup(Customer user) 
    //change password to password hash & create a verification codetry 
        int pkid;
        user.PASSWORD = Crypto.HashPassword(user.PASSWORD);
        user.VER_CODE = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
        Mapper.CreateMap <Customer,user>();
        var mappedcustomer = Mapper.Map<Customer,user>(user);
        string result = _userRepository.Signup(mappedcustomer);
        Status status = new Status();
        if (result == "MOB_EXISTS") 
            status.setError("Mobile number already exists");
        else if (result == "EMAIL_EXISTS") 
            status.setError("Email already exists");
    } catch (Exception e) {}

Later during login when i retrieve using: 稍后在登录期间,当我检索使用:

Status status = new Status();
    string hashedPass = _userRepository.GetHashedPassByEmail(email);
    if (Crypto.VerifyHashedPassword(hashedPass, password)) //<-- THIS LINE THROWS THE EXCEPTION
        status.setSuccess("Login successful !");
        status.setError("Invalid Credentials. Please try again.");

catch (Exception e)
    status.setError("Error during login. Please check the credentials and try again.");

The pointed line throws the exception 虚线引发异常

System.FormatException System.FormatException

Invalid length for a Base-64 char array or string. Base-64 char数组或字符串的长度无效。

Stacktrace: 堆栈跟踪:

at System.Convert.FromBase64_Decode(Char* startInputPtr, Int32 inputLength, Byte* startDestPtr, Int32 destLength) at System.Convert.FromBase64CharPtr(Char* inputPtr, Int32 inputLength) 在System.Convert.FromBase64CharPtr(Char * startInputPtr,Int32 inputLength,Byte * startDestPtr,Int32 destLength)在System.Convert.FromBase64CharPtr(Char * inputPtr,Int32 inputLength)
at System.Convert.FromBase64String(String s) at System.Web.Helpers.Crypto.VerifyHashedPassword(String hashedPassword, String password) at Tmmmt.Business.UserProvider.login(String email, String password) in c:\\Users\\MacBook\\Source\\Repos\\tmmmt.com\\Tmmmt.Business\\UserProvider.cs:line 802 在System.Web.Helpers.Crypto.VerifyHashedPassword(字符串hashedPassword,字符串密码)的System.Convert.FromBase64String(String)在c:\\ Users \\ MacBook \\的Tmmmt.Business.UserProvider.login(字符串电子邮件,字符串密码)源\\回购\\ tmmmt.com \\ Tmmmt.Business \\ UserProvider.cs:第802行

Note: This does not happen all the time but happens on certain signups only. 注意:这并非一直发生,而是仅在某些注册时发生。 See Crypto.VerifyHashedPassword 请参阅Crypto.VerifyHashedPassword

Edit 编辑

When I looked into my code for signup I saw a hash getting generated but it is truncated when writing to db. 当我查看用于注册的代码时,我看到生成了一个哈希,但是在写入db时它被截断了。

For example: 例如:

Actual Hash: ANFRzzPtJ6H/hmsxmbPpkUgIDcmxoaWDV6Ej8Xes8+PupKnsKq3EI/cUTHCRZm9t+g== 实际哈希: ANFRzzPtJ6H / hmsxmbPpkUgIDcmxoaWDV6Ej8Xes8 + PupKnsKq3EI / cUTHCRZm9t + g ==

Hash in Db: ANFRzzPtJ6H/hmsxmbPpkUgIDcmxoaWDV6Ej8Xes8+PupKnsKq 哈希在Db中: ANFRzzPtJ6H / hmsxmbPpkUgIDcmxoaWDV6Ej8Xes8 + PupKnsKq

The password field in the db is varchar(8000) and I am putting it through the following way: db中的密码字段是varchar(8000) ,我通过以下方式进行输入:

public virtual ObjectResult<string> sp_signupweb(string name, string email, string passHash, string code, Nullable<long> mob, Nullable<int> utc, string verifycode, ObjectParameter result) 


    ...//some code//

     var passHashParameter = passHash != null ?
                    new ObjectParameter("passHash", passHash) :
                    new ObjectParameter("passHash", typeof(string));

    //.... some more code
                return ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext.ExecuteFunction<string>("sp_signupweb", nameParameter, emailParameter, passHashParameter, codeParameter, mobParameter, utcParameter, verifycodeParameter, result);


How does the truncation occur? 截断如何发生?


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