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[英]How to search a CSV file with php to prevent double booking

I made a previous post that was too vague. 我以前的帖子太含糊了。 I've done a lot of research and think I can be more specific. 我做了很多研究,认为我可以更具体。

/Ready to Save? Store all data into variables
    if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
        $ID = $_POST['gameID'];
        $GameName = $_POST['gameName'];
        $GameCost = $_POST['gameCost'];
        $Days = $_POST['days'];
        $Total = $_POST['total'];
        $WantedDate = $_POST['reservationStart'];
        $DateTo = $_POST['DateEnd'];
        $StudentName = $_POST['studentName'];
while (!feof($file_handle)) 
    $loansinfo = fgetcsv($file_handle);
// Make sure we only check data for the game we posted. $WantedDate is also a posted variable
        if($loansinfo[0]==$ID) { 
            $referenceDate = $WantedDate;
            $fromDate = "$loansinfo[5]";
            $toDate = "$loansinfo[6]";
// Convert dates to timestamps (strings to integers)
            $referenceTimestamp = strtotime( $referenceDate );
            $fromTimestamp = strtotime( $fromDate );
            $toTimestamp = strtotime( $toDate );
$isBetween = $referenceTimestamp >= $fromTimestamp and $referenceTimestamp <= $toTimestamp;
            if($isBetween == true) {
            //refuse booking    
            echo('<script type="text/javascript">alert("Game Already Booked");</script>');
otherwise execute save code

Problem is, I always get 'Game already booked'. 问题是,我总是收到“游戏已经预订”。 Why? 为什么?

This is your code cleaned up with anything not actually used in the code removed: 这是您的代码,其中包含未在删除的代码中实际使用的任何内容:

    $referenceTimestamp = strtotime($_POST['reservationStart']);
        $loansinfo = fgetcsv($file_handle);
        if($loansinfo[0] == $_POST['gameID'] && $referenceTimestamp >= strtotime($loansinfo[5]) && $referenceTimestamp <= strtotime($loansinfo[6])) 
            echo('<script type="text/javascript">alert("Game Already Booked");</script>');

It checks two things: 1. Whether the gameID matches. 它检查两件事:1. gameID是否匹配。 2. Whether reservation start is greater than or equal to $loansinfo[5] and also lesser than or equal to $loansinfo[6]. 2.保留开始是否大于或等于$ loansinfo [5]并且还小于或等于$ loansinfo [6]。

Hopefully clearing up the debris will help. 希望清理碎片会有所帮助。

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