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[英]How to install eZ Platform via composer

How do you install eZ Platform? 如何安装eZ平台?

I'd like to get starting using it and I hear that the best way is to use composer. 我想开始使用它,并且听说最好的方法是使用作曲家。 The problem for me is I've not used either before :\\ 对我来说,问题是我之前从未使用过:\\

Note: This is a first post to the new stackoverflow tag: ezplatform . 注意: 这是新的stackoverflow标记ezplatform的第一篇文章。 We needed this tag to be created for future support needs and want to ask a good and common first time user question make it clear to future users that they can use the ezplatform tag here on stackoverflow to ask questions specific to eZ Platform (and not eZ Publish). 我们需要为将来的支持需求而创建此标签,并希望提出一个良好而又常见的首次用户问题,以便将来的用户清楚地知道他们可以在stackoverflow上的此处使用ezplatform标签来询问特定于eZ平台的问题(而不是eZ发布)。 I realize that this is a rather poor quality first question for the tag and for that I do apologize. 我意识到对于标签来说,这是一个质量很差的首要问题,对此我深表歉意。 Please try to understand. 请尝试了解。

You can find full installation guide in official documentation . 您可以在官方文档中找到完整的安装指南。 The only command you need is 您唯一需要的命令是

curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
php -d memory_limit=-1 composer.phar create-project --no-dev ezsystems/ezplatform <directory> [<version>]
cd /<directory>/

此处仅需注意,您现在也可以使用eZ Launchpad安装eZ平台https://ezsystems.github.io/launchpad/ (全部在Docker之上)

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