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[英]How to get X font path from Python script?

From a Python script that is started under X, I want to get the font path. 从X下启动的Python脚本中,我想要获取字体路径。

The script passes the font path to Xvnc (part of TightVNC and TigerVNC). 该脚本将字体路径传递到Xvnc (TightVNC和TigerVNC的一部分)。 Yes, I know, to start a VNC server, one can use startvnc , which takes care of setting up the font path. 是的,我知道,要启动VNC服务器,可以使用startvnc ,它负责设置字体路径。 However, startvnc does some things that are not desired in this case. 但是,在这种情况下, startvnc执行某些不需要的操作。 Also, I want to use the exact same font path as on the X server that the script is started on. 另外,我想使用与启动脚本的X服务器上完全相同的字体路径。

I considered parsing the output of xset q . 我考虑过解析xset q的输出。 However: 然而:

  • I don't know how reliable that is, ie if output is always formatted the same way. 我不知道那是多么可靠,即输出是否总是以相同的方式格式化。

  • The output may contain placeholders that are not actually paths. 输出中可能包含实际上不是路径的占位符。 For example, built-ins in: /usr/share/fonts/misc,/usr/share/fonts/Type1,built-ins 例如, built-ins于: /usr/share/fonts/misc,/usr/share/fonts/Type1,built-ins

From reading the manual for xorg.conf, your safest bet would be to parse the configuration file (which I'm assuming setx q parses) for FontPath lines, which look like: 通过阅读xorg.conf 手册 ,最安全的选择就是解析FontPath行的配置文件(我假设是setx q解析),如下所示:

FontPath "path" sets the search path for fonts. FontPath“ path”设置字体的搜索路径。 This path is a comma separated list of font path elements which the Xorg server searches for font databases. 此路径是Xorg服务器搜索字体数据库的字体路径元素的逗号分隔列表。

Using python's re module, the font paths (because multiple FontPath s can be specified) can be parsed like this: 使用python的re模块,可以按如下方式解析字体路径(因为可以指定多个FontPath ):

import re
regex = re.compile(r'^\s*FontPath\s+(.*)\s*$', re.MULTILINE)

with open('xorg.conf') as f:
    data = f.read()
matches = regex.findall(data)

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