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[英]How to skip every second line from a log file in python?

The file for the code to use contains this bit of data: 要使用的代码文件包含以下数据:

<188> 2005 Sep 22 11:07:38 (FR114W-52-8f-a8) UDP packet - Source:,20841,WAN - Destination:,1026,LAN [Drop] - [Inbound Default rule match]
<189> 2005 Sep 22 11:07:38 (FR114W-52-8f-a8) Device Receive ICMP Packet - Source:,[Echo Request],LAN - Destination:,LAN [Receive]
<189> 2005 Sep 22 11:07:43 (FR114W-52-8f-a8) Device Receive UDP Packet - Source:,67,WAN - [Drop]

The code I have so far is: 到目前为止,我的代码是:

import re
import string

with open('RouterLogger.log', 'r') as file:
     for line in file:
         words = line.split()
         print words
         print ("IP ", words[6], 'Time ', words[4])

The output for this code is this: 此代码的输出是这样的:

['#!^<188>', '2005', 'Sep', '22', '11:07:38', '(FR114W-52-8f-a8)', '', 'UDP', 'packet', '-', 'Source:,20841,WAN', '-', 'Destination:,1026,LAN', '[Drop]', '-', '[Inbound', 'Default', 'rule', 'match]']   

('IP ', '', 'Time ', '11:07:38')

Traceback (most recent call last):   
  File "/Users/PythonTutorials/print_line_with_match.py", line 10, in <module>   
    print ("IP ", words[6], 'Time ', words[4])   
IndexError: list index out of range   

Process finished with exit code 1

I would like to know how can I skip every second line to avoid this error. 我想知道如何跳过第二行以避免此错误。 I know every other line causes an error because I get a Traceback error as soon as it hits the second line. 我知道每隔一行会导致错误,因为一旦碰到第二行,我就会得到Traceback错误。

You can skip every second line explicitly: 您可以显式跳过第二行:

evenline = False
with open('RouterLogger.log', 'r') as file:
     for line in file:
         if not evenline:
             words = line.split()
             print words
             print ("IP ", words[6], 'Time ', words[4])
         evenline = not evenline

Or you can (lazily) slice it with islice : 或者,您可以(懒惰地)使用islice对其进行islice

with open('RouterLogger.log', 'r') as file:
     for line in itertools.islice(file, 0, None, 2):
         words = line.split()
         print words
         print ("IP ", words[6], 'Time ', words[4])

Or you can iterate over pairs of lines instead of lines, using the pairwise function in the itertools recipes : 或者你也可以遍历对线而不是线,采用pairwise的功能在itertools食谱

with open('RouterLogger.log', 'r') as file:
     for first, second in pairwise(file):
         words = first.split()
         print words
         print ("IP ", words[6], 'Time ', words[4])

However, are you absolutely sure that your format is "every second line"? 但是,您绝对确定您的格式是“第二行”吗? If not, maybe you want to skip lines that start with # : 如果没有,也许您想跳过以#开头的行:

with open('RouterLogger.log', 'r') as file:
     for line in file:
         if not line.startswith('#'):
             words = line.split()
             print words
             print ("IP ", words[6], 'Time ', words[4])

… or try every line and skip the ones without enough words: …或try每一行并跳过没有足够单词的行:

with open('RouterLogger.log', 'r') as file:
     for line in file:
             words = line.split()
             print words
             print ("IP ", words[6], 'Time ', words[4])
         except IndexError:

Rather than skipping a line during your for loop you can handle the exception by modifying your code to: 您可以通过将代码修改为以下内容来处理异常,而不是在for循环中跳过一行:

import re
import string

with open('RouterLogger.log', 'r') as file:
     for line in file:
         words = line.split()
         print words
            print ("IP ", words[6], 'Time ', words[4])
         except IndexError:

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