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[英]send mail from android without using smtp and user interaction

I want to send email from my android application without any user interaction . 我想从我的android应用程序发送电子邮件,而无需任何用户交互 How can i implement services like Mailgun API in android? 如何在Android中实现Mailgun API等服务?

I found a piece of code in mailgun that works in java . 我在mailgun中发现了一段可在java中工作的代码。 For this implementation i got some libraries that doesnot works with android. 对于此实现,我得到了一些不适用于android的 Anybody have tried to use mailgun in android? 有人试图在Android中使用Mailgun吗?

I think what you are asking is outbound sender email which is similar to Mailgun. 我认为您要问的是与Mailgun类似的出站发件人电子邮件。 One such service is Amazon SES which is already incorporated into AWS Mobile SDK . 一种这样的服务是Amazon SES,该服务已经集成到AWS Mobile SDK中 It even has a nice tutorial to implement it in Android. 它甚至还有一个很好的教程 ,可以在Android中实现它。 Both SES and Mailgun require a verified sender so technically you will be sending emails from your own domain and have nothing to do with user's email. SES和Mailgun都需要经过验证的发件人,因此从技术上讲,您将从自己的域发送电子邮件,而与用户的电子邮件无关。

Send Mail basic implementation, via MailGun API and Retrofit for Android: 通过MailGun API和Retrofit for Android发送邮件的基本实现:

public class MailGun {

    private static final String TAG = MailGun.class.getSimpleName();
    private static final boolean DEBUG = Config.DEBUG;

    private static final String ENDPOINT = "https://api.mailgun.net/v3/yourdomain.com/";
    public static final String ACCEPT_JSON_HEADER = "Accept: application/json";
    public static final String BASIC = "Basic";

    private SendMailApi sendMailApi;

    public interface SendMailApi {

        void authUser(
                @Header("Authorization") String authorizationHeader,
                @Field("from") String from,
                @Field("to") String to,
                @Field("subject") String subject,
                @Field("text") String text,
                Callback<MailGunResponse> cb

    public void sendMail(String to, String subject, String msg, Callback<MailGunResponse> cb){
        String from = "User Name Maybe <mailgun@yourdomain.com>";
        String clientIdAndSecret = "api" + ":" + "key-AdFEFtggxxxYourApiKey";
        String authorizationHeader = BASIC + " " + Base64.encodeToString(clientIdAndSecret.getBytes(), Base64.NO_WRAP);
        sendMailApi.authUser(authorizationHeader,from, to, subject, msg, cb);

    public MailGun() {
        RestAdapter restAdapter = getAuthAdapter();
        sendMailApi = restAdapter.create(SendMailApi.class);

    private RestAdapter getAuthAdapter(){
        RestAdapter.LogLevel logLevel = RestAdapter.LogLevel.NONE;
        if(DEBUG)logLevel = RestAdapter.LogLevel.FULL;
        return new RestAdapter.Builder()
                .setConverter(new GsonConverter(new Gson()))


Complete Github gist: https://gist.github.com/hpsaturn/5fd39a4e7d6ffb156197 完整的Github要点: https : //gist.github.com/hpsaturn/5fd39a4e7d6ffb156197

I would suggest to use javamail. 我建议使用javamail。 It works fine for me and works on android. 它对我来说很好用,并且可以在android上使用。 Here is the link to the google code project . 这是Google代码项目的链接 Although you don't have as much possibilities as in mailgun, for just sending a mail javamail is enough. 尽管您没有mailgun中的可能性很多,但是仅发送邮件javamail就足够了。

let key = "dfasewr4353terf34t43fefdf34r"

let EmailBody  = "<html><body><table border='1'><tr><td>Jill</td><td>Smith</td><td>50</td></tr><tr>td>Eve</td><td>Jackson</td><td>94</td></tr><tr><td>John</td><td>Doe</td><td>80</td></tr></table></body></html>"

let parameters = [
  "to": to@tome.com,
  "subject": "my Email Subject",
  "html": EmailBody,
 "text" = "some text instead of html.Only one is aloowed either text or HTML"  

Alamofirerequest(.POST, "https://api.mailgun.net/v3/<MAILGUN-DOMAIN>/messages", parameters:parameters)
  .authenticate(user: "api", password: key)
  .response { (request, response, data, error) in

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