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Chrome Apps for Mobile是否提供无限存储空间?

[英]Is unlimitedstorage available in Chrome Apps for Mobile?

Is unlimitedstorage available in Chrome Apps for Mobile ? Chrome Apps for Mobile中可以使用无限存储吗?

I am using indexedDB in a complex HTML5 mobile application for Android. 我在Android的复杂HTML5移动应用程序中使用indexedDB。 The users have devices with low storage capabilities, so they get quota exceed exception frequently. 用户的设备存储容量较低,因此他们经常会获得配额超出例外的信息。 I am trying Chrome Apps for Mobile, setting unlimitedstorage in manifest, but I still get quota exceed exception. 我正在尝试使用Chrome Apps for Mobile,在清单中设置无限存储空间,但仍然超出配额。

If you are using temporary storage then temporary storage is allocated based on %, and each app can get a maximum of 20% of the allocated temporary storage shared pool. 如果您使用的是临时存储,则根据%分配临时存储,每个应用程序最多可获得分配的临时存储共享池的20%。

Persistent storage give more storage limit than temporary storage, so you can consider using persistent storage, but of course it has pros and cons you have to weigh. 持久性存储比临时性存储具有更多的存储限制,因此您可以考虑使用持久性存储,但是当然要权衡利弊。

Read this information from Chrome about offline storage limits 从Chrome阅读有关离线存储限制的信息

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