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[英]Custom devise omniauth-facebook strategy

I'm using omniauth-facebook gem for facebook authentification and registration. 我正在使用omniauth-facebook gem进行Facebook身份验证和注册。 When you complete registration with facebook, it automatically creates password for you. 当您完成在facebook上的注册后,它将自动为您创建密码。 I want when omniauth get all needed data - automatically redirect to page where user can set password or cancel registration if password wasn't set. 我想在omniauth获得所有需要的数据时-自动重定向到用户可以设置密码的页面,或者如果未设置密码则取消注册。 How can i implement custom strategy like this? 我该如何实施自定义策略?

You will want to redirect to a page after successfully signing up? 您要在成功注册后重定向到页面吗?

Try looking through devise's documentation on the subject: https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/wiki/How-To:-Redirect-to-a-specific-page-on-successful-sign-up-%28registration%29 尝试浏览有关该主题的devise文档: https : //github.com/plataformatec/devise/wiki/How-To : -Redirect -to-a-specific-page-on-successful-sign-up-%28registration% 29

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