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[英]How to slow down WWW on nameserver level?

for scientific purposes I would like to know how to slow down www server on DNS level. 出于科学目的,我想知道如何在DNS级别上降低www服务器的速度。

Is it possible via TTL setting ? 是否可以通过TTL设置?

Thank You Ralph 谢谢拉尔夫

It should not be possible to slow down the speed of a website (http) solely by modifying the DNS response. 仅通过修改DNS响应就不可能减慢网站(http)的速度。

However, you could easily slow down the initial page load time via DNS by modifying the DNS server to take an abnormally long time before returning the DNS results. 但是,您可以通过将DNS服务器修改为在返回DNS结果之前花费异常长时间来轻松地通过DNS来降低初始页面加载时间。 The problem is, this will really only effect the initial load of the website, as after that, web browsers, computers, and ISPs will cache the results. 问题是,这实际上只会影响网站的初始负载,因为之后,Web浏览器,计算机和ISP将缓存结果。


the TTL you spoke of only effects how long the DNS result should be cached for, which generally has minimal effect on speed of the website. 您所说的TTL仅影响应将DNS结果缓存多长时间,通常对网站速度的影响很小。 That being said, theoretically it would be possible to set the DNS TTL to a value close to 0, requiring the client to have to re-lookup the IP via DNS with nearly every page load. 话虽如此,从理论上讲,可以将DNS TTL设置为接近0的值,这要求客户端必须在几乎每个页面加载时都通过DNS重新查找IP。 This would make nearly every new page from the website load very slowly. 这将使网站上几乎每个新页面的加载都非常缓慢。

However, the problem with this attack is that in the real world, venders and ISPs often don't follow the rules exactly. 但是,这种攻击的问题在于,在现实世界中,供应商和ISP通常不完全遵循规则。 There are numerous ISPs and even some consumer devices that don't honor low TTL values in DNS replies, and will cache the DNS result for a decent period of time regardless of what the DNS server asked it to be cached for. 有许多ISP甚至某些消费类设备不接受DNS答复中的低TTL值,并且无论DNS服务器要求将其缓存什么,都将在相当长的一段时间内缓存DNS结果。


So from my experience in lowering TTL to very low values while transferring services to new IPs, and seeing ridiculously long caching time regardless, I would say that while such an attack such as this may work, it would depend hugely on what DNS server each victim is using, and in most cases would make close to no delay after the initial page load. 因此,从我在将服务传输到新IP时将TTL降低到极低值的经验以及无论如何都看到可笑的超长缓存时间的经验,我会说,尽管这样的攻击可能有效,但它很大程度上取决于每个受害者使用的DNS服务器正在使用,并且在大多数情况下,初始页面加载后几乎没有延迟。

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