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条带集成错误Xcode 6.2

[英]Stripe integration error Xcode 6.2

To be specific i get this error when i build my project after adding the stripe framework.The project is for the iOS platform. 具体来说,添加条纹框架后构建项目时出现此错误。该项目适用于iOS平台。

I have all the standard architectures added to my build settings namely armv7,armv7s. 我将所有标准体系结构添加到我的构建设置中,即armv7,armv7s。 This is the error logged, 这是记录的错误,

Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
  "_OBJC_CLASS_$_STPAPIClient", referenced from:
      objc-class-ref in PlaceOrderViewController.o

After this error came i added arm64 also. 此错误出现后,我还添加了arm64。 I got error from this class alone as i'm calling a method from STPAPIClient.h in the Stripe framework.I have tried everywhere on the internet including stack and found nothing that could solve the issue.Hope someone can provide insights as to why this is occurring. 我在Stripe框架中从STPAPIClient.h调用方法时,仅从此类中出错。我在Internet上的所有地方都进行了尝试,包括堆栈,但没有发现任何可以解决该问题的方法。正在发生。

Okay so the solution for me was to copy the entire stripe project, stripe.xcodeproj into my project. 好的,对我来说,解决方案是将整个stripe项目stripe.xcodeproj复制到我的项目中。 This would only bring that file so to bring all the classes in stripe project I copied the stripe workspace, stripe.xcworkspace into my project folder. 这只会带来该文件,因此将所有类带入条纹项目中,我将条纹工作区stripe.xcworkspace复制到了我的项目文件夹中。

This solved all architecture related issues. 这解决了所有与架构有关的问题。

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