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[英]Django multiple model inheritance, django-push-notifications

I am writing a back end for a mobile app using Django 1.8. 我正在使用Django 1.8为移动应用程序编写后端。 The django-push-notifications lib provides the GCMDevice model. django-push-notifications库提供了GCMDevice模型。 The problem is I already have a Device model with some mandatory field and some logic I don't want to lose. 问题是我已经有了一个Device模型,其中包含一些必填字段和一些我不想丢失的逻辑。

What I wanted to do is to inherit whole GCMDevice functionality and adjust them to my Device model(which btw inherits another mixin providing spatial data fields, with custom object Manager set which I want to keep). 我想要做的是继承整个GCMDevice功能并将其调整为我的设备模型(顺便说一句,它继承了另一个提供空间数据字段的mixin,并保留了我要保留的自定义对象管理器)。 I read about 3 different django model inheritance ideas but none of them seem to solve my problem (keeping managers, provide django-push-notifications functionality, keeping my Device model fields). 我阅读了大约3种不同的django模型继承思想,但似乎都无法解决我的问题(保留管理器,提供django-push-notifications功能,保留我的Device模型字段)。 Maybe OneToOne association will do the work? 也许OneToOne协会会做这项工作吗?

IDEA: 理念:

class Device(MyMixin):
    gcm_device = models.OneToOneField(GCMDevice)
    my_other_field = models.TextField()

    def send_message(self, payload):

Any reason why it is necessary to inherit? 有什么必要继承的原因吗? Could composition be a substitute for what you are trying to do by inheritance? 合成可以替代您通过继承尝试执行的操作吗?

----------------- Edited answer ----------------- -----------------编辑答案-----------------

class Device(models.Model):
    gcm_device = models.OneToOneField(GCMDevice)

I have given the most simple case, you could make the GCM device your primary key as well. 我给出了最简单的情况,您也可以将GCM设备设置为主键。

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