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[英]Scala: store call-by-name variable as class field

In my progress in Scala learning I try to implement a simple DSL with callbacks 在Scala学习的过程中,我尝试使用回调实现简单的DSL。

object Button {...} // apply 
class Button(val name: String) {
    private val: => Unit; // doesn't work

    def click(f: => Unit) = {
        _click_cb = f

    def onClick() = this._click_cb()

Button("Click me!") click {println("Clicked!")}

I create a new object, pass it a callback to store. 我创建一个新对象,向其传递一个回调以进行存储。 My demo framework fires onClick method, that should call the stored one 我的演示框架触发了onClick方法,该方法应调用存储的

It works with () => Unit but my DSL looks ugly: 它可以与() => Unit但是我的DSL看起来很丑:

Button("Click me!") click (() => println("Clicked!"))

Sure, I could do onClick abstract and implement an anonymous class later 当然,我可以做onClick抽象并稍后实现一个匿名类

new Button("Click me!") {def onClick = println("Clicked!")}

But I want to play with some DSL and such 但是我想玩一些DSL之类的游戏

The questions are: 问题是:

  • How do I store f in _click_cb ? 如何将f存储在_click_cb
  • How do I provide initial "empty" function for _click_cb ? 如何为_click_cb提供初始“空”功能?
  • And maybe there's a more scala-way to achieve this? 也许还有更多实现此目标的方法? (without anonymous classes) (无匿名类)

An uglier version just to show that lazy val can hold the by name parameter value without evaluating it: 一个更丑陋的版本,只是为了显示惰性val可以保留by name参数值而不对其求值:

case class Button(val name: String) {
  def clickCallback(): Unit = ()

  def click(f: => Unit) = {
    lazy val notEvaluated = f
    new Button(name) { override def clickCallback() = notEvaluated }

  def onClick(): Unit = clickCallback()

A cleaner and more functional implementation: 更干净,功能更强大的实现:

class Button(val name: String) {
  def click(f: => Unit) = new Button(name) { override def onClick() = f }

  def onClick(): Unit = ()

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