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标签文本在Titanium android中的tableview子级中未更新,但在IOS中工作

[英]Label text is not updating in tableview children in titanium android.but work's in IOS

I have tried to update/change the lebel in android using titanium.but the value is not showing on the text .but am getting the updated value in the alert.But the ios is working perfectly. 我试图使用Titanium更新/更改android中的lebel。但是该值未显示在文本上。但是我正在Alert。中获取更新的值。但是ios正常运行。

 var itemcounttext = Ti.UI.createLabel({
 top: 5,
 color: "#000000",
 width: Ti.UI.SIZE,
 height: Ti.UI.SIZE,
var additem = Ti.UI.createImageView({
image: "/images/plus.jpg",
top: 5,
width: Ti.UI.SIZE,
height: Ti.UI.SIZE,
additem.addEventListener('click', function(e)
        var item=e.source.getParent();
        squantity = e.source.squantity;
            squantity = Number(squantity) + 1;
            item.children[1].text = squantity;

Here am getting the alert with correct updated value.But the it's not showing in the label. 这是收到具有正确更新值的警报,但是它没有显示在标签中。 Can you give me a idea to resolve this problem in android. 您能给我一个解决Android中此问题的想法吗?

EDIT: 编辑:

From VRK comment i have tried this also.But it's not working.but am getting the alert correctly. 从VRK的评论中我也尝试过此方法。但是它不起作用,但是正在正确接收警报。


EDIT: 编辑:

I tried with jsplaine answer.But i can't get the solution. 我尝试使用jsplaine answer。但是我无法获得解决方案。 Here i have created the tableview .in this tableview row we are creating the view.in that view i have adidng the additem,itemcounttext values.if we are clicking the additem means need to change the itemcounttext value.This is a flow. 在这里我创建了tableview。在该tableview行中,我们正在创建view。在该视图中我已经添加了additem,itemcounttext值。如果我们单击additem意味着需要更改itemcounttext值。这是一个流程。

like below screenshot is children view of my app tableview: 如下图所示,是我的应用程序tableview的子视图:


remove     itemcount   add
image      text        image

this three image,text,image values are added in one view.That's why am adding the code for getting the parent view while clicking add image: 这三个图像,文本,图像值被添加到一个视图中。这就是为什么在单击添加图像时添加用于获取父视图的代码的原因:

var item=e.source.getParent();

here am getting the parent.also am wrote the below code for getting the label for this view: 在这里获取父对象。还编写了以下代码以获取该视图的标签:


If am clicking the add image, am getting the label value is incresed by 1 correctly .am verified with this code alert(item.children[1].getText()) ;. 如果单击添加图像,则正在使用此代码alert(item.children[1].getText())验证的.am正确将得到的标签值正确alert(item.children[1].getText()) but the updated value is not showing.This is my exact doubt. 但更新后的值未显示。这是我的确切疑问。

EDIT: 编辑:

This is my full source code. 这是我的完整源代码。

 dataArray = [];       
 $.ViewCartItemslist_total_value.text = totalamount;
 for( var i=0; i<data.length; i++){ 

//creating the tableviewrow //创建tableviewrow

 var row = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow({
 layout : 'horizontal',
 width: "100%",
 height: Ti.UI.SIZE,
 image: data[i].image,
 top: 5,
 width: '50',
 height: Ti.UI.SIZE,
text: data[i].name,
 top: 5,
 width: 180,
 font: { fontSize: '10dp' },
 color: '#040404',
 wordWrap: true,
 height: Ti.UI.SIZE,
 ellipsize: true

//creating the view inside of each every row of tableviewrow //在tableviewrow的每一行中创建视图

 var adddeleteitemview = Ti.UI.createView({
 width: Ti.UI.SIZE,
 height: Ti.UI.SIZE,
 layout : 'horizontal',
 var removeitem = Ti.UI.createImageView({
 image: "/images/minus.jpg",
 top: 5,
 width: "15%",
 height: Ti.UI.SIZE,
 var itemcounttext = Ti.UI.createLabel({
 top: 5,
 color: "#000000",
 width: "15%",
 height: Ti.UI.SIZE,

 var additem = Ti.UI.createImageView({
 image: "/images/plus.jpg",
 top: 5,
 width: "15%",
 squantity : data[i].itemCount,
 spprice :data[i].itemPrice,
 height: Ti.UI.SIZE,
 additem.addEventListener('click', function(e)
        var item=e.source.getParent();
        spprice = e.source.spprice;
        if(item.children[1].getText() == e.source.squantity){
        squantity = e.source.squantity;
          totalqty = Number(totalqty) + Number(1);
            $.ViewCartItemslist_header_cart.text = totalqty;
            totalamount = Number(totalamount) + Number((spprice));
            squantity = Number(squantity) + 1;
            item.children[1].text = squantity;
           // item.itemcounttext.text = squantity;
          // item.itemcounttext.setText(squantity);
           // item.children[1].setText(squantity);
            alert(item.children[1]+" "+item.children[1].getText());
            $.ViewCartItemslist_total_value.text = totalamount;
            totalprice = Number(spprice) * squantity;
           else {
                squantity = item.children[1].getText();
            totalqty = Number(totalqty) + Number(1);
            $.ViewCartItemslist_header_cart.text = totalqty;
            totalamount = Number(totalamount) + Number((spprice));
            squantity = Number(squantity) + 1;
            item.children[1].text = squantity;
            $.ViewCartItemslist_total_value.text = totalamount;
            totalprice = Number(spprice) * squantity;

    row.addEventListener('click', function(e) {

Instead of walking the parent/child tree, just make itemcounttext a property of additem: 无需遍历父/子树,只需将itemcounttext设为additem的属性即可:

var itemcounttext = Ti.UI.createLabel({
 top: 5,
 color: "#000000",
 width: Ti.UI.SIZE,
 height: Ti.UI.SIZE

var additem = Ti.UI.createImageView({
 image: "/images/plus.jpg",
 top: 5,
 width: Ti.UI.SIZE,
 height: Ti.UI.SIZE,

additem.countTextLabel = itemcounttext;


additem.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
 var item=e.source;
 var squantity = e.source.squantity;
 squantity = Number(squantity) + 1;

I struggled with this for the better part of an afternoon. 我为此苦苦挣扎了一个下午的大部分时间。 Hopefully this helps someone. 希望这对某人有帮助。

In my case I had a tableview with just 1 custom row by design. 就我而言,我的设计只有一个自定义行的表格视图。 Clicking the row allowed me to choose a new value (name and description) from a different tableview, and then update the first tableview custom row data with the newly selected values. 单击该行允许我从其他表视图中选择一个新值(名称和描述),然后使用新选择的值更新第一个表视图自定义行数据。

For the problematic tableview, I was using setData, but the custom rows are fairly complex so I didn't want to have to rebuild one row of one of these complex rows. 对于有问题的表视图,我使用的是setData,但是自定义行相当复杂,因此我不想必须重建这些复杂行之一中的一行。 Here is what worked for me... I just updated the labels in the data array that are contained in a wrapper view that is contained in the row. 这是对我有用的...我刚刚更新了数据数组中包含在该行中的包装器视图中的标签。 This way rather than rebuilding all of the data array from scratch, I was able to modify the array and then just set data again. 这样,我无需从头开始重建所有数据数组,而是可以修改数组,然后再次设置数据。 dataStatus[0].children[0].children[0].text = sice.row.name; dataStatus [0] .children [0] .children [0] .text = sice.row.name;
dataStatus[0].children[0].children[1].text = sice.row.statusdescription; dataStatus [0] .children [0] .children [1] .text = sice.row.statusdescription; tableviewStatus.setData(dataStatus); tableviewStatus.setData(dataStatus);

I only have 1 row so dataStatus[0] addresses that row. 我只有1行,所以dataStatus [0]解决了这一行。 Then the first child is the wrapper view, and I counted my layout and the 1st and 2nd child of the wrapper are the labels I needed to update. 然后第一个孩子是包装器视图,我计算了布局,包装器的第一个和第二个孩子是我需要更新的标签。 Then after I modified the array, I just redid setData. 然后,在修改数组之后,我只需重做setData。 Worked like a champ. 像冠军一样工作。

Hope it helps someone. 希望它可以帮助某人。

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