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[英]Contact Form 7 Shortcode to Array

$contact_form_value = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'contact-form-data', true );
$contact_explode = explode(" ",$contact_form_value);

$contact_form_value is equals to this [contact-form-7 id="105" title="BusinessAssistance"] using the code above gives me the wrong answer.. $contact_form_value于此[contact-form-7 id="105" title="BusinessAssistance"]使用上面的代码给了我错误的答案。

how to convert that to array? 如何将其转换为数组? I need the id and the title 我需要身份证和标题

Try this code 试试这个代码

$contact_form_value = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'contact-form-data', true );
$regex = '/\[contact-form-7\s+id=[\'|"](\d+)[\'|"]\s+title=[\'|"](.+)[\'|"]\]/';
if (preg_match($regex, $contact_form_value, $matches)) {
    $id = $matches[1];
    $title = $matches[2];

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