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[英]C# saving mulitple filenames from OpenFileDialog

I have a form with an add button. 我有一个带有添加按钮的表单。 When clicked, a user selects a file or files from the dialog. 单击时,用户从对话框中选择一个或多个文件。

My Goal: 我的目标:

Retrieve the names of all the files that a user selects (from whichever directory their file(s) are in) , copy those files in a specified folder that the user doesn't choose using File.Copy (I hard-code a filepath and filename). 检索用户选择的所有文件的名称(从文件所在的目录),使用File.Copy将这些文件复制到用户未选择的指定文件夹中(我对文件路径和文档名称)。

My Issue: 我的问题:

If the user only selects one, this works fine. 如果用户仅选择一个,则效果很好。 For example: 例如:

string name = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(sfd.FileName) ; string name = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(sfd.FileName) ;

This grabs the file. 这将抓取文件。 Then: 然后:

            DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Is this published?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
            if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes)
                Directory.CreateDirectory("c:\\NewTest\\" + txtAcronym.Text + "\\" + txtMajor.Text + "." + txtMinor.Text + "\\Published");
                File.Copy(sfd.FileName, "c:\\NewTest\\" + txtAcronym.Text + "\\" + txtMajor.Text + "." + txtMinor.Text + "\\Published\\" + name);
            else if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No)
                Directory.CreateDirectory("c:\\NewTest\\" + txtAcronym.Text + "\\" + txtMajor.Text + "." + txtMinor.Text + "\\NonPublished");
                File.Copy(sfd.FileName, "c:\\NewTest\\" + txtAcronym.Text + "\\" + txtMajor.Text + "." + txtMinor.Text + "\\NonPublished\\" + name);

I ask the user if the document is published. 我问用户文件是否出版。 Based on the answer, it will create a directory and put the file in that directory. 根据答案,它将创建一个目录并将文件放在该目录中。

Is it possible to loop through multiple filenames in the openFileDialog and put them all in a folder , rather than just one? 是否可以在openFileDialog中循环遍历多个文件名并将它们全部放入一个文件夹中,而不是一个文件夹中?

Set the Multiselect to true. 将Multiselect设置为true。

myFileDialog.Multiselect = true;

When the user accepts the selection, you can get them with FileNames property. 当用户接受选择时,可以使用FileNames属性获得它们。 It returns a string[] . 它返回一个string [] Note the difference with FileName which returns string . 注意与FileName的区别,后者返回string You can use a for or foreach to get all the results. 您可以使用for或foreach获得所有结果。

foreach (string file in myFileDialog.FileNames)
    //do work

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