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[英]Streamwriter adding characters to first line

I am doing something rather simple in c#, writing a list of strings to text file. 我在c#中做的事情很简单,将字符串列表写入文本文件。 My write sub is: 我的写子是:

public static bool TextToFile(string fileName, List<string> inString) {
    if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName)))
    try {
        if (File.Exists(fileName))

        const int BufferSize = 65536;  // 64 Kilobytes
        using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fileName, true, Encoding.UTF8, BufferSize)) {
            if (inString.Count > 0) {
                foreach (string str in inString) {
        return true;
    catch {
        return false;

I am getting extra stuff at the beginning of the first line though. 但是,在第一行的开头我得到了更多的东西。 It does not show in a regular text editor, but when I opened in ultraedit, and went to hex mode, I saw this: 它不会在常规文本编辑器中显示,但是当我在ultraedit中打开并进入十六进制模式时,我看到了: 在此处输入图片说明

My programs that read the text file do see the characters, and confuse it. 我的读取文本文件的程序确实看到了字符并将其混淆。 My list of strings is super clean. 我的字符串列表非常干净。 I am sometimes writing 100 mb text files, so am setting the buffer to 64k, but I tried leaving it as default with same results. 有时我正在编写100 mb的文本文件,因此将缓冲区设置为64k,但是我尝试将其保留为默认值,结果相同。 I am on win7 64 bit, using VS 2013. 我在使用VS 2013的Win7 64位上。


using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fileName, true, new UTF8Encoding(false), BufferSize))

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