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Selenium WebDriver-无法使用AutoIT上传文件

[英]Selenium WebDriver - unable to upload file with AutoIT

I'm unable to upload file with AutoIT v3 我无法使用AutoIT v3上传文件

try with many ways, but no luck to get it work 尝试很多方法,但是没有运气能使它工作

method one: ( get Element is not currently visible ) 方法一:( get Element is not currently visible

Runtime.getRuntime().exec("D:\\Documentation\\Script To Upload File.exe");

method two: ( get Element is not currently visible ) 方法二:( get Element is not currently visible

Runtime.getRuntime().exec("D:\\Documentation\\Script To Upload File.exe");

method three: ( PASSED: testCaseOne, but no file is uploaded ) 方法三:( PASSED: testCaseOne, but no file is uploaded

Runtime.getRuntime().exec("D:\\Documentation\\Script To Upload File.exe");

For the attach link, when I inspect with the firepath , it will refer to xpath "html/body/input" with 1 matching node 对于附加链接,当我使用firepath检查时,它将引用具有1个匹配节点的xpath "html/body/input"

here my html file 这是我的html文件

<input type="file" name="fileName" style="position: absolute; margin: -5px 0px 0px -175px; padding: 0px; width: 220px; height: 30px; font-size: 14px; opacity: 0; cursor: pointer; display: none; z-index: 2147483583; top: 457px; left: 459px;"/>

Here's the html code for the document upload section: 这是文档上传部分的html代码:

                            <dd class="attachFile">
                                <div class="attachUpload">
                                    <a id="button2" class=" ">
                                        <img class="attachIco" alt="" src="http://qa.seleniumqa.com/ga/en/clean/images/BLANK.GIF"/>
                                            Attach file

Script To Upload File.au3 code 脚本上传File.au3代码

; It will wait for 8 seconds to appear File Upload dialog.
; Used Title property of File upload dialog window.

  WinWait("File Upload","",8)

; Set control focus to File name Input box of File Upload dialog.
; Used Class property of File upload dialog window and Class+Instance property for File name Input box.



; Set the name of file In File name Edit1 field.
; "Test.txt" file Is located In AutoIT folder of E drive. So we have to provide full path like E:\AutoIT\Test.txt.

  ControlSetText("[CLASS:#32770]", "", "Edit1", "D:\Documentation\uploadFile.xls")


; Click on the Open button of File Upload dialog.

  ControlClick("[CLASS:#32770]", "","Button1");

EDIT : Share the solution with those needed in future 编辑 :与将来需要的解决方案共享

this code not working (not sure why) 此代码不起作用(不确定原因)


but in this way, it work 但是这样就可以了


The type of the input control is file and therefore, using the below line to upload a file should work. 输入控件的类型是文件,因此,使用下面的行上载文件应该可以。

WebElement e = driver.findElement(By.id("the id"));
e.sendKeys("file path");

That is because in your Html file input type = file. 那是因为在您的HTML文件中, 输入类型= file。 if your input type is something else you will need to try with AutoIt or RobotApi. 如果您的输入类型是其他类型,则需要尝试使用AutoIt或RobotApi。

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