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[英]AngularJS - Filter list by object property that has filter applied to it

I want to filter a list of objects by their properties and used the filter filter. 我想通过对象的属性来过滤对象列表,并使用filterfilter器。 The problem is that some object properties have filters applied to them that change the format in which they are displayed (see formatDate filter in code below) and the filter filter will use the unformatted object properties. 问题在于某些对象属性已应用了更改其显示格式的过滤器(请参阅下面的代码中的formatDate过滤器),并且filterfilter器将使用未格式化的对象属性。

Eg: There is a video with .duration = 150 (seconds) which will be displayed as 00:02:30 (because of the formatDate filter). 例如:有一个视频,持续时间= 150(秒),将显示为00:02:30(由于formatDate过滤器)。 If a user searches for "02", the video will not be found because the .duration property of the video was searched and "02" doesn't match 150. 如果用户搜索“ 02”,则将找不到视频,因为已搜索视频的.duration属性,并且“ 02”与150不匹配。

What is the easiest way to filter by the displayed value instead of the "raw" value? 用显示的值而不是“原始”值进行筛选的最简单方法是什么?
I thought about adding a getDurationFormatted() function to every object in the list and displaying and filtering specifically by that property, but this would severely decrease the expressiveness of the HTML. 我曾考虑过向列表中的每个对象添加一个getDurationFormatted()函数,并通过该属性专门显示和过滤,但这会严重降低HTML的表现力。

<input ng-model="query">

<tr ng-repeat="video in videos | filter:query">
        {{ video.name }}
        <!-- The formatDate filter is used to format the amount of seconds -->
        {{ video.duration | formatDate:'HH:mm:ss' }}

You can extend every object in the array with additional preformatted property corresponding to what users would see. 您可以使用与用户看到的内容相对应的其他预格式化属性扩展数组中的每个对象。 Then filtering will work for user friendly input. 然后过滤将适用于用户友好的输入。

This is the simplest solution that requires only minor template modification: 这是最简单的解决方案,仅需对模板进行少量修改:

<tr ng-repeat="video in videos | filter:query">
        {{ video.name }}
        <!-- The formatDate filter is used to format the amount of seconds -->
        {{ video.durationFormatted = (video.duration | formatDate:'HH:mm:ss') }}

Demo: http://plnkr.co/edit/7JxdCAJtPamMWsfVSwaN?p=preview 演示: http : //plnkr.co/edit/7JxdCAJtPamMWsfVSwaN?p=preview

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