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[英]'module' object has no attribute 'Serial'

I'm using the following code to communicate my pc with an arduino, but I get the error mentioned in the title, module objet has no attribute Serial. 我正在使用以下代码与arduino通信我的电脑,但我得到标题中提到的错误,模块对象没有属性串行。


# Importamos la libreira de PySerial
import serial

# Abrimos el puerto del arduino a 9600
PuertoSerie = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0', 9600)
# Creamos un buble sin fin
while True:
  # leemos hasta que encontarmos el final de linea
  sArduino = PuertoSerie.readline()
  # Mostramos el valor leido y eliminamos el salto de linea del final
  print "Valor Arduino: " + sArduino.rstrip('\n')

The curios thing is the the code used to work, but then I installed matplotlib and drawnow libraries, I believe that has caused the problem but I don't know how to fix it, because and need those libraries any way. 古玩的事情是用来工作的代码,但后来我安装了matplotlib和drawow库,我相信这已经引起了问题,但我不知道如何修复它,因为并且需要这些库的任何方式。

The other matter is that is I copy the code line to line into the terminal it works but of course I need I with the loop in a .py file. 另一个问题是我将代码行复制到它工作的终端中,但当然我需要在.py文件中使用循环。

The solution is to not name the source file serial.py since in such case Python takes that instead of the actually desired serial module. 解决方案是不将源文件命名为serial.py因为在这种情况下,Python取代了实际需要的serial模块。

(Since the question was solved in the comments and no answer has been posted, inspired by a relevant meta question I'm adding this answer to make the question complete. I'm not trying to get credit for deets ' solution and I'm posting it as a community wiki answer.) (由于这个问题已在评论中得到解决,并且没有发布任何答案,受到相关元问题的启发,我正在添加此答案以使问题完整。我不是想要得到deets解决方案的信任而且我是将其发布为社区维基答案。)

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