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[英]Why can't I assign an Scala Object to a Java variable?

I have this monolithic Java-Application that I want to port to newer techniques and I want to apply Scala wherever it makes sense. 我有这个整体的Java应用程序,我想移植到较新的技术,并且我想在任何有意义的地方应用Scala。

Now I translated a rather huge java-singleton class implementation to a Scala object. 现在,我将一个相当庞大的java-singleton类实现转换为Scala对象。

In another class I used to do this (JAVA): 在另一个类中,我曾经这样做(JAVA):

   public class MyOtherClass 
        protected MyClass myClass;

        public MyOtherClass()
            myClass = MyClass.getInstance();

Now I'd like to do the following: 现在,我要执行以下操作:

   public class MyOtherClass 
        protected MySCALAClass myClass;

        public MyOtherClass()
            myClass = MySCALAClass$.MODULE$;

But this doesn't work. 但这是行不通的。 It says: 它说:

Required MyScalaClass, Found MyScalaClass$ 必需的MyScalaClass,找到的MyScalaClass $

I also tried to create a small function 我也尝试创建一个小功能

def getInstance() = this

but of course this yields the same problem. 但这当然会产生相同的问题。

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗? I have searched this topic and I see how it is not a problem if you just want to call the methods of the object, but I would need to rewrite many, many calls to the "myClass"-object to even test this. 我已经搜索了这个主题,并且看到如果您只想调用对象的方法,这不是问题,但是我将需要重写许多对“ myClass”对象的调用,甚至进行测试。

edit : I'm fully aware that I could rename every call to "myClass" to "MySCALAClass", but that is no real fix, just a workaround and it is tedious for a big project. 编辑 :我完全知道,我可以将对“ myClass”的每个调用重命名为“ MySCALAClass”,但这并不是真正的解决方案,只是一种解决方法,对于一个大型项目而言是乏味的。

I think @neuronaut 's comment is correct. 我认为@neuronaut的评论是正确的。

See following questions: 请参阅以下问题:

The singleton class ( MySCALAClass$ in your case) is not a subclass of the original class ( MySCALAClass ) and so the singleton object ( MySCALAClass$.MODULE$ ) is not an instance of it either. 单例类(在您的情况下为MySCALAClass$ )不是原始类( MySCALAClass )的子类,因此单例对象( MySCALAClass$.MODULE$ )也不是其实例。

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